Omega-3 for weight loss

Omega-3 fatty acids are needed not only for health, but for weight loss. This substance is very important for the body, especially during the period of increased mental and physical labor. It can be found both in food products and in chemical preparations. It is best to get omega-3 fats from fish that live in cold seas and oceans. Dieticians and doctors advise to include in their diet of these foods at least 2 times a week. The ideal amount is to eat daily 200 grams of fish rich in this substance. Also, omega-3 is also found in plant foods, for example, in vegetable oil and nuts.

Omega-3 in bodybuilding

Preparations and food that contains this substance, it is recommended to include in the diet of people who are actively involved in sports, especially if the workouts are aimed at mass gain. Omega-3 prevents the destruction of muscle tissue, which means that this substance helps to increase the effectiveness of training. In addition, fatty acids improve the blood composition and elasticity of the walls of the vessels, and they also lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. This property is important for bodybuilders, as during the training cardiovascular system is subjected to serious stresses


The use of omega-3 for weight loss

Direct evidence that fatty acids have the ability to reduce weight, no. The main advantages of these substances include the fact that when you take at least 1.3 g of omega-3 acids, you can reduce your appetite. Fatty acids help to maintain satiety for a long time. All this contributes to reducing the amount of food eaten, and, consequently, the calorie content of the daily menu. Due to this, weight loss occurs.

Many women choose a low-fat diet, which in turn causes a constant feeling of hunger and negatively affects the mood. In this case, including in the diet food with omega-3, you can solve these problems very quickly and without harm to the body. Still it is necessary to say that the products that contain fatty acids are low-calorie.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that during fat loss, fatty substances enter the bloodstream, followed by their burning. This can increase pressure and cause other problems with the heart and blood vessels. In this case, taking omega-3 is very important for maintaining health. In general, we can conclude that the use of this substance will make the process of losing weight more healthy and safe for the body.

Sources of omega-3

If you decide to lose weight and significantly reduced the amount of consumed fat, then in your diet you need to include such foods:

If you do not like these products, then the beneficial properties of omega-3 can be obtained by using special drugs that can be found in any pharmacy. In such capsules, there are no other additives that are harmful to the body.

To achieve good results in losing weight and gaining muscle mass, it is necessary to combine the consumption of fatty acids with regular exercise and with proper nutrition.

Harm from Omega-3

People who suffer from high blood pressure, it is recommended to take a maximum of 4 g of this substance, but only under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to harm the health. In addition, a dose greater than 3 g can cause an increased risk of bleeding. It is also worth considering that you can not connect omega-3 and other drugs that dilute blood.