Why are mushrooms red?

Ryzhik is an amazing mushroom, distinguished by its excellent taste and, according to experts, is extremely useful. Mushrooms stew, fry, salt - they are tasty in any form, that's just really useful mushrooms redheads - this question interests many. To get an answer to this question, you need to refer to the chemical composition of the fungus.

Are mushrooms red?

In the question of how useful mushrooms are for a man, the answer is information that potassium, calcium , magnesium, iron and other elements that normalize the functioning of all body systems are found in them.

In addition, a natural antibiotic called lactarioviolin found in red mushrooms, suppressing the development of many harmful bacteria. That is why the consumption of these fungi is indicated in diseases associated with various inflammations, as well as tuberculosis.

Traditional medicine, confirming the useful properties of these fungi, recommends for medicinal purposes even to use red mushrooms in raw form, only slightly sprinkled with salt. But if it is possible to consume these mushrooms raw, then how useful are the salted rozhiki - a natural question. They are also useful, so fasting and vegetarians use them both in their menu.

The body of the fungus contains fiber, sugar, water, ashes, as well as carotenoids and, of course, high-quality vegetable protein, which in its useful properties is not inferior to the animal. In the period of fasting or dieting, the question of how useful the mushrooms of redheads is not worth, as they are often used as full-value meat substitutes.

In addition, the composition of mushrooms includes vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A (retinol ), which affects the metabolic processes of the body, as well as the state of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) regulating carbohydrate metabolism and normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous system.
  3. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) increases the level of stress-resistance of the body, contributes to overcoming depressive conditions, was called the "vitamin of beauty".
  4. Vitamin B3 (aka - niacin and vitamin PP) has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, and also regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Mushrooms are red, they have useful properties, but contraindications are also characteristic for them.

Among them: