"Blue Disease" or why do people do tattoos?

In the world of psychology, there are many phobias and addictions. Some may seem harmless, but a person needs the help of a specialist. These include "blue disease". This term is used both by masters of tattoos, and by amateurs to "decorate" their body.

What is called a blue disease?

Blue sickness is a dependence that develops after the first tattoo done. It can be a small drawing. After a certain time a person has an irresistible passion for applying a new tattoo that will complement the first one. People with tattoo dependence can not stop and cover them with new areas of the body. This leads to the fact that there is no free space left on it.

Why people do tattoos - psychology

Psychologists define several factors that will help to answer the question, why people do tattoos. The most common are:

There is another reason why a blue disease can develop - an unsuccessful first tattoo. This can happen due to the client's fault, when he did not fully consider the drawing, or inexperience of the master, which led to distortion of the image. After this, a series of experiments are started, aimed at correcting the error to obtain the expected result. Instead of covering the failed fragment with a professional one, some people try to finish it or modify it.

Why do girls do tattoos?

Psychology of tattoos in women has its own characteristics. Among the common female reasons for beautifying the body, psychologists distinguish the following:

  1. Love impulse. Many girls, being in a state of euphoria, want to make a tattoo. Sometimes they are motivated by a desire to prove to their beloved that for her sake she is ready to "embellish" her body.
  2. Manifestation of beliefs. As a rule, these are teenage girls who are sure that they are not understood by others. The reason may be radical views on life and faith in something.
  3. Masking of scars. All girls want to have a perfect body, but many have scars that spoil the overall impression. With the help of tattoos they want to disguise them, but it is worth considering that the scars can stretch, and the pictures will need to be adjusted.
  4. A tribute to fashion. Many are confident that it is stylish and beautiful.

Why do teenagers make tattoos?

The psychology of tattooing in adolescents has soy characteristics. Some think that they are already adults and are able to make their own decisions, how to live on, others want to stand out among friends. After the first full picture, they feel a certain superiority over others. Over time, this feeling fades and they want to try it again. It can develop a tattoo-dependence, to cope with which psychologists will help.

What people do tattoos - psychology

The history of tattoos is several hundred years old. According to the drawings on the body it was possible to recognize belonging to a certain tribe, later - the position of a person in society. In the Middle Ages in Europe, tattoos were not allowed. To date, they are considered a special art. A tattoo from the point of view of psychology is an indicator of the personality by which one can determine the character of a person , his hobbies or spiritual and religious affiliation.

The most tattooed person in the world

Many people in their desire to be better than someone do not know the boundaries. This applies not only to achievements in the world of sports, inventions, but also to cover your body with drawings. The most tattooed man in the world - this title was given to Lucky Diamond Rich . He broke the record of the former "champion" Tom Leppard, whose body was covered by 99.9% in the form of leopard color. Lucky Diamond Rich was able to "beautify" 100% of the skin.

Lucky Diamond Rich and Tom Leppard

When Lucky was a teenager, he did not know what blue disease was and did not expect his passion for tattoos to make him world famous. For all the time that he was under the typewriter, which is more than 1000 hours, several liters of ink were spent. As a result, Lucky's paint was in the auricles, eyelids, gums and under the nail plates. After giving him the "champion title", he said that this is not the limit and new tattoos will lie on top of the previous ones. Not far from Lucky, a few more tattoo artists have left:

  1. Rick Gestet - the distinguishing feature is the image of the skull on the face.
  2. Denis Avner is a big fan of felines, his body is decorated with tiger stripes (for greater similarity he performed an operation to split the upper lip, changed the forms of teeth and ears, inserted implants, making "cat's cheeks").
  3. Kala Kaivi - this guy decided to go ambiguously to the advertisement of his salon and 75% covered himself with a tattoo.
  4. Eric Sprague - "dressed in the skin of a lizard" and became the founder of the splitting of the tongue.

The most tattooed woman in the world

Not only men are capable of insane acts. Some women do not lag behind the strong half of humanity and cover their body with tattoos. The most tattooed woman in the world is Julia Gnus from New York. The first drawings on the skin she applied in an attempt to conceal a rare disease, in which the skin is covered with corneal particles and scars. Later, "rasprobovav all the charm", she could not stop and covered herself with tattoos by 95%.

Julia Gnus

There are several more women who can hardly find an undisclosed patch of skin:

  1. Maria Jose Christera - began to change her after an unhappy marriage, in which she prematurely lost her child.
  2. Elaine Davidson is a native Brazilian, the current resident of Edinburgh has made herself more than 2.5 thousand tattoos, and completes "beauty" about 3 kilograms of piercing, and this is only on the face.
  3. Isobel Varley - made the first tattoo when she was over 40, and since then she could not stop, the favorite drawing was a tigers' family, located on her stomach (Isobel died at the age of 78).