Cheese cakes on kefir

Kefir is a very useful drink, one of the most common sour-milk products. In the entire post-Soviet space (and not only), various national subspecies and versions (yogurt, tan, matsoni, katyk , tarak and others) are known and produced industrially and at home. Kefir of different fat content can be eaten separately, as well as enter into the recipes of various recipes, including baking.

One of the most ancient baked dishes of mankind is tortillas from flour of different cereals, the idea of ​​which arose in all agricultural civilizations even in the most primitive periods of development.

Of course, both sedentary and nomads wanted to make cakes tastier and more satisfying, definitely, so various dairy and other products (for example, cheeses and other fillings) were added to the dough.

And now we can treat ourselves to delicious cheese cakes on kefir, the dish is quick and easy to prepare, simple, rough and healthy food.

Tell you how to make cheese cakes on kefir. To prepare the test for tortillas, you can use live kefir of any fat content (and not any questionable "kefir product"), of course, without preservatives and other additives. You can use kefir, which stood for more than 3 days, but it is undesirable - made more than 5 days ago (of course, you can use other dairy products).

Cheese cakes on kefir



Sift the flour into a bowl with a slide. We make a groove and, starting gradually adding kefir, knead the dough (conveniently with a fork, you can mix it with a mixer). Komochki should not be. Also add spices to the dough, grated cheese and greens, chopped finely. Roll out of this test is not too thin flat cakes.

You can bake cheese cakes on kefir in the oven, on a baking sheet, in ceramic form or on a special ceramic "stone", or in a frying pan (this is the easiest way). In any case, a pan, a "stone" or a frying pan should be greased with fat (lard). To do this, you need to slightly warm up on what will be baked cakes. If you use vegetable oil instead of fat, cakes will be roasted (which is not useful), and do not bake. However, the choice is yours. It is still tasty and not bad enough if you use natural ghee for roasting and baking.

It is more convenient and faster to bake bread in a frying pan. Pechem with a coup to have a golden ruddy crust on both sides. Lubricate with a cut garlic clove.

You can make cheese cakes filled with ham (low-fat brisket or bacon). To the list of ingredients, add 100 grams of ham (chop it into small stuffing, preferably - manually with a knife, of course, and through the meat grinder to skip). Roll out the thin little flat cakes. On one of the flat cakes we fill uniformly stuffing from ham. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. From above we impose a second cake, we glue the edges and roll out and roll.

Flat cakes should not get too thick. Bake with a turn to golden brown rust. Finished slightly cooled cheese cakes can be smeared with garlic sauce, butter. We serve ready-made tortillas with herbs, green onions, sour-milk drinks, tea, infusions, compotes, bottled home wine.