Skin irritation

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the skin is the mirror of the body. Irritations and eruptions, redness and peeling - all this signals about the unhealthy processes that occur in the body. Therefore, underestimating skin irritation is very dangerous, because it can be a symptom of a serious disease.

Causes of irritation

Redness and flaking of the skin can be triggered by an infectious agent, so with suspicious itchy spots on the skin, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. If the analysis did not identify the causative agent, then the cause of skin irritation can be:


If the redness appears periodically, most likely its nature is allergic. Irritation of the facial skin, and especially around the eyes, often appears after a change of cosmetics: a brachroma, foundation, shadows, milk. After washing, painting or styling the hair, a new remedy often irritates the scalp.

Redness and rash on the skin can be accompanied by an allergic reaction to certain medicines and food, for example - honey, seafood, sweets.

After revealing the irritation of the skin, you need to analyze your diet, remember if you have not used new cosmetics in the last few days and immediately stop contact with the allergen.


The experiences and nervous tension that accompany us at work and at home, often manifested in the form of redness throughout the body (spots, urticaria), which after a while disappear.

The best remedy for irritation of the skin that has arisen on nerves is stress prevention and quick rehabilitation after emotional shocks. Strengthen the nervous system of natural medicines based on motherwort, valerian, chamomile. Relaxation, meditation, fresh positive impressions help.

Improper diet

Overabundance in the diet of flour, smoked, spicy, pickled products, as well as sweets, tea, coffee and alcohol becomes the cause of "slagging", because of which the intestines work with interruptions. Disorders of digestion and metabolism can manifest as irritation of the skin on the hands, feet, face. In this case, you should change your usual menu, at least for a while to abandon the above products in favor of vegetables, fruits, cereals, give preference to a healthy diet.


Sites of the body where depilation is necessary, are sensitive, because almost always there is irritation of the skin after shaving or use of the cream.

Cures with redness, burning and itching help special creams after depilation, but because of the high concentration of active substances they can cause allergies. A children's cream is recognized as an excellent remedy for skin irritation, you can also lubricate the reddened area with antiseptic ointment (malavit, solcoseryl, actovegin) or wipe with a solution of furacilin and chlorogesdine.

Skin irritation on the legs after cuts from the machine helps to overcome the alcoholic infusion of calendula, chamomile or propolis. After depilation, the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizer.

Contact with toxins

Washing dishes without gloves, washing, cleaning with the use of chemicals - all these everyday household chores can cause irritation of the skin on the hands. It is important to use gloves, after contact with water, lubricate handles with a nutritious cream. It is not superfluous to pamper yourself with salt baths.

Irritation of the skin in the groin is often provoked by wearing clothes and linen, which is poorly rinsed after washing. Powder particles falling on the skin cause itching and redness. At the time of treatment (antiseptic ointment, baby cream), you must wear loose clothing.