Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a disease characterized by the formation in the kidney tissue of numerous cysts of different sizes, which are benign rounded cavities limited to a capsule and filled with liquid contents. In this connection, the processes of urine formation and excretion of waste products from the body are violated.

The causes of polycystic kidney disease

It has been reliably established that this disease is genetically conditioned, connected with the mutation of certain genes inherited from one of the parents. And women and men are equally prone to pathology.

Pathogenesis and symptoms of polycystic kidney disease

In most cases, the first manifestations of the disease are observed in the middle or old age, and before this period the polycystosis proceeds imperceptibly, gradually progressing. There is an increase in the size and mass of both kidneys, which in this case acquire an increasingly more tuberous surface. The walls of the forming cysts consist of connective tissue, and from the inside of their cavity are lined with a flat or cubic epithelium. The fluid that fills the cysts is close in composition to the urine, has a yellowish or brownish color.

Sites of kidney tissue located between individual cysts may be squeezed by them and subject to dystrophic changes, lack blood supply, and atrophy. With this disease, the kidney calyces and pelvis also increase in size, deform. In some cases, suppurating cysts. In connection with the decline in efficiency in the blood, metabolic products begin to accumulate, which are not excreted from the body and poison it.

There are three stages of pathology, which are characterized by the following symptoms:

1. Payment stage:

2. The stage of subcompensation:

3. The stage of decompensation:

Diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease

The main effective method of diagnosing polycystic kidney is ultrasound. Also, the disease can be detected through other instrumental methods:

To determine the degree of compensation of kidney function, special tests of urine and blood are carried out.

How to treat polycystic kidney disease?

Unfortunately, modern medicine is not yet able to stop this pathological process, caused by genetic changes. Therefore, the basis for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease is drug-induced symptomatic therapy with the use of drugs from the following groups:

Patients are advised to follow a high-calorie, vitamin-rich diet with protein, fat, salt restriction, except for caffeine-containing foods, sufficient water intake. Also, you should refrain from increased physical activity, bad habits.

Large cysts can be drained through percutaneous punctures under the supervision of ultrasound. In case of serious complications, the issue of kidney removal and transplantation is raised. A pronounced renal failure requires hemodialysis.

There are many alternative methods of treating the disease, most of which are based on the internal intake of drugs based on medicinal plants. People's prescriptions are aimed at cleansing blood, eliminating inflammation in the urinary system, increasing immunity, reducing blood pressure, etc.

To methods of treatment of polycystic kidneys folk remedies include the use of turpentine baths, which promote effective detoxification of the body, reduce blood pressure, restore nutrition of the kidneys. They are prepared on the basis of turpentine emulsion, which can be found on sale in pharmacies.