Novoterskaya water is good and bad

Novotelskaya water appeared on the domestic market only recently - only in 1955. In this article, we will try to figure out what is the difference between the Novotel water from Borjomi and of course, is Novoterskaya water useful in itself?

Benefit and harm of the Novotelskaya healing water

Novotelskaya mineral water really does have a lot of useful properties. It can serve as a preventive or auxiliary agent in the treatment of a number of diseases. Doctors strongly recommend the use of this water for diseases such as:

However, do not forget that before taking this water you need to consult a doctor. The average duration of the treatment and prevention course is 25-30 days. Remember that Novoter's water is contraindicated in people with low acidity. It is not recommended to drink such water during pregnancy or exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

As for the differences between Novoterskaya and the popular Borjomi mineral water, it can be said that both mineral water belong to the group of medicinal-table waters. But if in Novoterskoye the level of mineralization is about 4, 5, 5 grams per liter, then Borjomi's choice in this respect is much wider - from 0.2 to 7.5 grams of minerals per liter. True, the last indicator of mineralization is present only in the "classic" Borjomi, which is like, and is not shown to everyone. Novoter's mineral water, in comparison with this competitor, has a much wider testimony.