Potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream

Daily, all the hostesses are racking their brains about preparing dinner for the family. After all, you always want to be fast, tasty, satisfying and please everyone. We offer you a unbeatable dish of hearty potatoes with mushrooms, and even with sour cream, and tell you how quickly and tasty it is prepared. So, picking up for you a dish that meets your requirements, you just have to please them all at home, which we do not even doubt!

Recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms and sour cream



Mushrooms brought from the forest are cleaned and must be boiled in well-salted water, no less than half an hour. Then put them in a colander and let them drain and cool.

Frying pan, select a large, wide and with high sides. Pour it into the oil put on the fire, until the full warm-up, and after lay out in it sliced ​​in random pieces of peeled potatoes. Fry it until half cooked, not too often interfering, since then it will quickly boil. Chilled mushrooms cut in half, but if they are very small, then leave whole and, together with finely chopped onion, put in potatoes. Pour all the pepper, taste salt, mix with a wooden spatula and fry until the potatoes are ready. Then, add the sour cream, stir again and fry it all, for another 3-4 minutes. Turn off the gas, sprinkle it with finely chopped fresh dill, cover it with a lid and let it stand for a while.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms and sour cream



We peel the potatoes and cut them into large cubes. We warm the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes a little, not allowing it to be fully fried, we set it off from the fire.

We pour olive oil into a cast-iron brazier and calcine it well. Here we lay out the champignons cut into 2-3 parts, chopped onions, pour the soy sauce and fry everything until the golden mushrooms. After spreading potatoes, homemade sour cream to them and mixing all the ingredients, do not forget to add salt and pepper. We pour a glass of warm water to our dish and put it to stew, in a faintly smoldering fire, about 35 minutes after boiling.

Potatoes baked with mushrooms and sour cream in the oven



Oyster mushrooms are boiled in salted water for 15 minutes. Throw mushrooms in a colander, and after cooling a little we squeeze them from excess moisture and arbitrarily, but not finely chopped.

Peeling potatoes from the peel, cut it into thin circles. Form a little heat on the fire and put in a piece of butter. After the oil has completely melted, we spread the potatoes and, evenly distributing it throughout the form, sprinkle a little salt. Next, distribute the mushrooms, and then the onion, sliced ​​thinly on the semicircles and pritrushivaem all pepper. We fill our potatoes with mushrooms with sour cream and put in an oven heated to 180 degrees. Bake the dish for 45 minutes, take out the form, pritrushivaem all grated cheese and put it back until it melts for 5-7 minutes.

Using any of the presented recipes, the prepared dish should be served hot and with a glass of tomato juice.