What foods contain vitamin B17?

The substance, which we will talk about in this article, has been arguing for more than 60 years, because official medicine and scientists say that B17 is not a vitamin at all, but rather a biochemical compound that is quite hazardous to health. However, alternative medicine calls B17 almost a panacea for many diseases, for example, such as cancer. To whom to believe in this matter, it's up to you, but about what products contain vitamin B17, you can learn from our article.

Where is vitamin B17 contained?

First of all, it should be noted that what exactly does not contain vitamin B17, so it is in products of animal origin. You definitely will not find it in meat or fish, so if you are a supporter of official medicine, you can eat these foods without any fear. But now let's talk about where vitamin B17 is contained and in what products it can be found.

The leading position in the list of products containing this substance is bitter almonds, the second and third place share cashews and prunes with bones. Eating these nuts and dried fruits, you get a large enough amount of B17, so even specialists of alternative medicine call not to use more than 100 g of the mentioned products. You can find a controversial vitamin and in vegetables, it is spinach, watercress , green peas and beans. True, its quantity in these products is rather small, therefore, the adherents of official science can eat them without any fear.

The largest amount of substance is in the bones of apricots and apples, representatives of alternative medicine assure that they should eat them to get rid of various ailments. Follow their recommendations, you can decide only yourself, but remember that doctors warn to be treated in this way, as this can lead to poisoning.

What herbs contain vitamin B17?

Now this substance is found in clover and sorghum grass, the last plant receives a syrup, which is recommended to use traditional medicine. Clover is used in a somewhat different way, a fresh plant should be squeezed out so that the juice turns out, which should be drunk. Also you can try to make clover tea, it is done similarly with the preparation of herbal drinks. Just remember that unofficial medicine recommends drinking these infusions, so it will be wiser to consult a doctor before using them.