Delicious, crispy dough for chebureks

The secret of delicious chebureks lies not only in the delicious and juicy filling, but also in the shell - a crispy and rosy test that will keep the filling from flowing and add a texture variety to the ready-made dish. Recipes "the best test for chebureks" there is a huge variety and each of them is delicious in its own way. Choose your ideal from all those described below.

The recipe for a delicious dough for chebureks

This dough on the basis of kefir remains crispy right after frying, and eventually softens inside, soaked in meat juice. Sounds appetizing, right? Then let's start cooking.



Beat low-fat kefir with a chicken egg and a good pinch of salt. Separately, sift flour to rid it of any lumps and accidentally trapped solid particles. After all the flour is sifted, start to pour it in portions into liquid ingredients. Gradually kneading the dough, we wait for the moment when it will still be elastic and soft, but will cease to stick to your hands - this is the main sign that there is enough flour. Now the main secret of the ideal test for chebureks is proper mixing and rest. Ready dough should be kneaded for at least 10 minutes, during this time gluten will develop, thanks to which the cheburek will turn out to be crispy. You will only be able to determine by touch when the dough can be stopped blending, so smooth and soft it will become. After you have kneaded the dough for a long time, let it rest under a film or a wet towel - the gluten will relax and the pellets can be easily rolled out.

Crispy dough for chebureks - recipe

Crispy dough for chebureks, which does not lose its texture even after cooling, is prepared on water and has the simplest recipe, with which we will share further.



Pre-sifted flour mixed with salt and a slide poured directly onto the table. In the center of a flour slide we make a deepening - a well, in which water will be poured. Pour in the icy water and, gradually picking up the flour from all sides, knead the dough. After the flour and dough have united in a homogeneous mass, we begin to mix thoroughly knead the dough with your hands for at least 10 minutes, if necessary, pouring flour on the table if the dough becomes sticky. But do not be zealous, the basis for our chebureks should remain soft and supple.

After kneading leave the dough in the heat under the film for half an hour, and then roll out and proceed to the stamping of the chebureks.

The recipe for a crisp dough for chebureks

They say that the dough on vodka after roasting turns golden and crunchy (it is worth recalling at least the recipe for brushwood). Well, you can check this statement only on your own experience, having prepared aromatic and ruddy chebureki according to the following recipe.



We connect water with vodka and oil, add a good pinch of salt to the solution and wait for the salt crystals to dissolve. If the water has not been cooled beforehand, now it's time to put it in the refrigerator - a very tasty and crisp dough for chebureks will only come out with ice liquid. When the water cools down, combine it with flour, not forgetting to sift the last. We knead the homogeneous dough, shift it onto the dusty working surface and continue kneading until it becomes elastic and soft (minutes 8-10).