What is harmful about popcorn?

Favorite by many popcorn - this is the grain of ordinary corn, cooked in a special way. To date, there is no evidence that gives an unambiguous answer to the question: is popcorn harmful to health. Correctly made popcorn is even useful, the harmfulness of popcorn is added by cooking methods with the addition of oil, sugar / salt and flavors.

Visitors to cinemas, most consuming a popular treat, after serving a sweet / salty popcorn, are most likely drunk with a lot of sweet soda water, the negative effect of which has been proven for a long time. As a result, the body receives a large portion of harmful substances.

Scientists have proved the harmful effect of popcorn, prepared in a certain way, on the person's airways. In America, popcorn is cooked in butter containing diacetyl, a chemical flavor that is extremely harmful to the lungs. Now its use in the US is strictly limited.

Is popcorn harmful to the figure?

For people watching their weight, popcorn, cooked with a lot of unpleasant additives, is definitely harmful. Its lightness and weightlessness are deceptive. Eating a portion of popcorn for watching a movie is another way of unnoticeably obtaining unnecessary calories and, as a consequence, increasing weight.

It's worth taking seriously the volume of popcorn. The standard large glass of popcorn, offered in most cinemas, contains about 1800 calories. Caloric content is almost equal to the daily norm for an adult, and the sense of saturation passes very quickly. Calories have been received, but you still want to eat. The figure of this is definitely not going to improve.

What is more harmful, chips or popcorn?

Chips are harmful by the large content of carcinogenic substances, which can provoke the appearance of malignant tumors. Choosing between chips and popcorn, it is preferable to stop on corn kernels. And if you do not use butter, sugar or salt when cooking popcorn, then the product will only benefit the body.