Slimming spray

Scammers invariably find more and more ways to make money on human laziness. Another novelty - phyto-spray for weight loss. Do not confuse it with a series of "Floresan fitness body" - these are body creams that stimulate skin tightening. And about that, and about other product we will talk separately.

How does weight loss occur?

In order to determine whether in principle any sprays for weight loss affect weight, consider the very mechanism of losing weight. The body needs a certain amount of energy (calories) daily for vital functions - movements, breathing, palpitation, metabolic processes, mental activity, etc. From food, a person receives energy (calories), and if they are more than necessary - the body makes fat cells out of it and puts it "for the future," and if less - is forced to split previously stored fats to get energy.

Thus, to burn adipose tissue, it is necessary to obtain energy less than required to activate the consumption of stocks. To do this, you can either get fewer calories with food (giving up high-calorie foods - fatty, roast, flour and sweet), or spend more - exercise regularly.

However, lovers of cakes, fast food and flour dishes, no sport will save from excess weight, because one serving of sweet can have 300-600 calories, and training that burns so much, if not less, does not enter the schedule every day. Correction of the diet is always necessary. And as only sprays can start the mechanism of burning fat, and does remain a mystery.

Slimming spray Fitospray

Almost every person who has been looking for a method of weight loss has often stumbled upon pages that are allegedly supposedly miraculous - green coffee, goji berries (which turned out to be simple barbaris), and so on. Manufacturer Fitospray went further - he combined these two components with such as garcinia, acai, mint and citric acid, and created a spray that is essentially a conventional mouth freshener and is used similarly after meals.

According to the manufacturer, this miracle product is intended to reduce the appetite and lose weight by 15 kg per month, without any effort. Any nutritionist, and just a reasonable person, understands perfectly well that this is impossible. And the maximum that phytospray will give you is refreshing the oral cavity.

Fitness Body Series from Floresan

There are sprays and creams, which are positioned as an active fat burner, from Floresan. Reviews about a series of tools are pretty good, but it's worth noting that if they only smear the body, then they just tighten the skin. They act as an additional warming-up agent, which increases the flow of blood to the problem zone. If you use them in conjunction with sports and diet, they can somewhat improve the results - especially those who need to return the skin elasticity and elasticity.

However, it should be noted that the fitness body Floresan itself is unlikely to help reduce weight. If this happens, it is only at the expense of the liquid that will be released due to more active hatching. However, the body will soon regain its habitual water balance, and weight along with it. Therefore, rely on only sprays and ointments in losing weight all the same it is not necessary.