Salad with dried mushrooms

From dried mushrooms, as well as from fresh, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. Now we will tell you how to prepare salads with dried mushrooms.

Chicken salad with dried mushrooms



Eggs cook hard-boiled, cleaned and finely chopped. Chicken fillet boil until cooked, and then cut into cubes. Dried mushrooms soak for 2 hours in water, and then boil until cooked and cut into cubes. We connect eggs, chicken fillet, mushrooms, add crushed herbs, salt, mayonnaise and mix.

Salad of white dried mushrooms



Dried white mushrooms are washed under running water, and then soak them for 2 hours in cold water to make them swell. Then mushrooms are washed again and boiled until ready and crushed. Separately, cook the liver, cool and finely chop. Onions cut into half rings and fry in vegetable oil. Salted cucumbers cut into cubes, chop the greens. We connect all the ingredients, add salt, pepper, mayonnaise and mix.

Korean salad from dried mushrooms



Fungi filled with cold water and leave for about 30 minutes to make them soak. Carrot cut into strips. Shinkle finely onions and fry it. Mushrooms are washed and cut in half. After that, add carrots, salt, acetic acid and mix. Pour in soy sauce, add sugar, coriander, pepper, sesame, let the garlic through the press, spread the fried onions and mix it all up well. Let the salad brew for 2 hours in a cool place, and then served to the table.

Salad Recipe with Dried Mushrooms and Beans



Potatoes boil "in uniform", dried mushrooms are poured with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Peel the onion, shred and fry in vegetable oil until golden. Mushrooms cook for 15 minutes, and then cut into cubes. We peel the potatoes and crush them. Boiled beans are combined with fried onions, then add the remaining ingredients and dress the salad with mayonnaise.

How to prepare a salad with dried mushrooms and rice?



Dried mushrooms soaked in hot water for 30 minutes, and then in the same water boil them for 20 minutes, add salt. Ready mushrooms are cooled and grinded. Rice is washed and boiled until cooked. We clean carrots and three of them on a large grater. Onion cut into cubes and fry together with carrots. Then add mushrooms to the vegetables, add salt to taste and simmer for another 10 minutes. Eggs are hard boiled, cleaned and grated. Crab sticks cut into cubes. Hard cheese three on a grater. Spread the salad layers: mushrooms with carrots and onions, rice, eggs, crab sticks and cheese. Each layer is blotted with mayonnaise. We adorn the salad with herbs.