Pasta from garlic shooters for the winter

Garlic hands are a product undeservedly deprived of attention. There are a lot of uses: garlic arrows are cooked on their own, frying in Asian manner or letting them with sour cream, add to conservation and canned separately, or cook pasta from them. Pasta from garlic arrows can be harvested for the winter and added to various dishes as a seasoning.

Pasta from garlic arrows - a recipe for winter

This is a basic recipe that can be used as a basis, for a variety of adding any vegetables, spices and herbs.



Rump off a portion of garlic shooters, and cut more tender pieces into pieces that your blender will be able to handle. Throw washed and dried arrows in the bowl of the blender, then sprinkle salt and pour in the oil. Chop the ingredients together until a paste is obtained. The consistency of the latter remains at your discretion: it is possible not to mimic, but leave the paste uneven, or work out all the more carefully until you get a sauce for Pesto.

Ready green pastry from garlic arrows enough to spread out on clean dry jars and close. No sterilization is required since the oil, and even the garlic itself, are excellent preservatives. Keep the workpiece in the cold.

Recipe for Garlic Pasta Garlic Pasta

In this recipe we will connect the arrows of garlic with the greens of dill. Ready-made pasta from garlic arrows with dill is an ideal addition to the borscht in the company of black bread, as well as marinade for your favorite meat.



The cooking technology remains the same. The more gentle part of the arrows are put straight into the combine, supplemented with oil, salt and dill. After all the ingredients are in the bowl, whisk them until the desired consistency is achieved, and then spread over the prepared container. The ready-made paste can be left in the refrigerator or stored in small ice containers / molds and sent to the freezer. Frozen version is conveniently placed in sauces and soups.

Harvesting pasta from garlic arrows for the winter

Above we have already said that the finished garlic paste resembles the Italian Pesto sauce by its consistency. So in order to enhance this similarity, you can kill garlic arrows with fresh basil. Such pasta can be an excellent addition to your favorite Italian dishes: lasagna, boiled pasta, pizza or light salads. Add the pasta to pieces of meat as a marinade or mix with other sauces, butter and cheese to prepare cold appetizers.



Before you cook a paste of garlic arrows, chop off the coarsened part of the arrows, and the more delicate shoots put in the bowl of the pale, pre-rinsed. We get rid of the rough part of the arrows in order to make the paste more homogeneous, less fibrous, and had a mild taste.

Follow the arrows to the blender pour in the oil, wine vinegar, put the basil leaves and season everything with a pinch of salt. Whisk everything until the desired consistency is achieved and spread over clean jars for storage.