What helps Linex?

Surely, many of you who take a well-known drug more than once do not quite understand what Linex is helping to do. Is the medicine able to solve all the problems with the digestive organs? No, only those that are associated with dysbiosis.

Does Linex help with constipation?

The concept of dysbiosis itself is somewhat outdated. It is still used by doctors in the CIS, when the growth of bacteria in the small intestine becomes abnormally rapid, or the pathogenic microorganisms or the inhabitants of the large intestine are affected by the mucosa. In international practice, this phenomenon is called the syndrome of excessive bacterial growth. It can manifest itself in different ways:

Coping with them can be medicated with probiotics - lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococci - habitual inhabitants of the small intestine, which fight with foreign microbes due to the production of lactic acid. This substance makes conditions for propagation of pathogenic microflora unfavorable. Do you want to know if Linex helps with diarrhea? Yes, Lineks helps with diarrhea, while the drug is also effective for constipation. It contains an ideally balanced amount of bacteria typical for our intestines, which allow you to quickly restore balance and normalize all processes of digestion.

Does Linex help other manifestations of dysbiosis?

The way Linex helps quickly solve the problem that has arisen depends on the general condition of the patient and the severity of the microflora composition. For example, to combat diarrhea, it is enough to drink the drug according to the scheme in the instructions within 1-2 days. If there is no result, blood or mucus appears in the stool, immediately consult a doctor. Similarly, in the case of constipation - in the absence of a quick result without medical assistance can not do.

But from heartburn, Lineks helps only with prolonged use. The fact is that the increased acidity in the stomach is already a complication of dysbiosis, therefore, after normalizing the composition of the microflora, it is necessary to wait until the digestive organs begin to work in a normal, habitual mode.

Usually for treatment of heartburn, gastritis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis, provoked by dysbacteriosis, it takes 3-4 weeks of systemic reception of probiotics, including Linex.

Similarly, for a long time, Lineks helps with acne. After all, skin rashes are only a consequence of problems with digestion, it takes time to restore the balance. Also, one should not hope that this medicine will cure acne, provoked by hormonal imbalance . Of course, Linex has a beneficial effect on the whole organism, which can speed up the alignment of the hormonal background. However, this medicine is for another area.

Allergies and individual sensitivity to toxins released by foreign microflora can be accompanied by allergic manifestations:

All these symptoms will also disappear as soon as the balance of the intestinal microflora is reached. The standard regimen for adult adult therapy involves the daily intake of 1-2 capsules of the preparation before meals, washed down with cool water. There are hot dishes after this is not recommended. The course of treatment is 7-10 days, in advanced cases can be extended to 14-21 days. Contraindications to taking medication is small, it is individual sensitivity and intolerance to lactose. There are no side effects from use.