Signs of the sect - how not to get into the sect and not become a victim of deception?

Many sects that operate around the world can be very dangerous for society. Freedom in the choice of religion led to the fact that the sect every year is by no means less, and their power only grows stronger. This means that everyone can earlyer encounter a sect and feel its consequences.

Sect - what is this?

In a broader sense, these are different social groups that are united not only by one goal, but also by a spiritual idea. Sects are groups of a religious nature that have separated from the basic faith. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and many other religions were often used as the basis of religion in the newly organized sect. It is more difficult to create a grouping of this type from scratch, it is much more convenient to use and remake an already existing religion and its concepts.

What is the difference between a sect and religion?

In order to understand the principle of sectarianism, who such sectarians are and what they do, it is necessary to catch the very difference between religion and the sect. The line between them is very thin, and without the concept of the principle of action, it is difficult to distinguish a lie from the truth. The sect's difference from religion:

  1. Religion is much older than sectarianism, sects are young groups, the oldest is not more than two hundred years old. Such pseudo-religious currents are formed by breaking away from the common faith, or at the whim of some person.
  2. The basis of religion is the worship of God, the creator of everything in this world, or deities, and the ultimate goal, like, for example, enlightenment in Buddhism, can be based. At the root of the religion of the sect, the leading roles are played by their leaders who compare themselves almost with God.
  3. The goal of any religion is not to enslave a person and drag him under his wing. The way to God everyone is looking for independently, he decides to believe or not. In sects, however, complete control is exercised over the individual, each of its members lives by the rules and is bound by certain obligations.

What are the sects?

Considering the moment that the sect is getting bigger, it's hard even for specialists to classify such groups. Signs of the sect began to differ significantly from one another in order to lure people into inventing newer and more sophisticated methods. Criteria that characterize the types of sects:

  1. The principle of separation of sextets is based on charismatic and hierarchical directions. In the charismatic, there is one leader, he stands out easily among the general mass. In the hierarchical - a group of leaders, the ladder of the main puppeteers.
  2. In sects there can be both a totalitarian regime, and imaginary freedom. The principle is the same, the difference is only in the length of the string on which the puppet is sewn.
  3. Separate sects for those religions whose dogmas were taken as a basis. There are followers of Christianity, Islam and so on, and there are representatives of the new faith.

Religious sects

Christian sects are redrawn in their own way and question the whole Christian faith. They create their own divine revelations and claim that the writings of their leader are the voice of God Himself. Such writings are not only equated with the sacred, but have authority more than the Bible itself. Signs of the Christian sect are that the divine face of the person of Christ is completely denied. Do not believe the sectarians in his immaculate conception, into a life without sin and a wonderful resurrection.

Totalitarian sects

For such groups, the authoritarian method is typical and human rights are severely restricted. Totalitarian sects are a real danger not only for health, but for human life. Signs of a totalitarian sect are easily seen under the guise of religion.

Sexual sects

Cults built, both in religion and in lust, are held in groups of this kind. Buying the next path to salvation, which is truly true, people are blunted by the brain. As a rule, most sexual sects are created by a certain person with the sole purpose - to satisfy their desires. Orgies in sects are a constant and inalienable phenomenon.

Occult sects

The mystical experiences that are the basis of the doctrine are the basic concept of the sect. Signs of the occult sect distinguish it among religious sects of other orientations:

  1. A leader necessarily has the gift of a prophet. At the same time, what is said in the Bible, the prophetic writings in it, have no relation to the prophecy of the occult sects.
  2. The date of the end of the world is often used in occult sects for mooding and in general all sectarians have an eschatological attitude.
  3. Only mystical insights are taken into account in such sects. Rational thinking and logic are secondary to the occultist.

Commercial sects

Reasoning on the topic of which sects exist, it is difficult to imagine that commerce has a place for sectarianism. If you conduct an analysis, then such activities as network marketing can be safely recorded in commercial cults. All network marketing is built on a pyramid, which can be managed only by the tip of the iceberg. The more methods are included using manipulation tools from one particular firm, the closer it is to sectarianism.

The more successful a firm is, and the more it spreads, the more likely it is to be a sect. Main features:

Satanic sects

One of the wildest and criminal groups, even against the background of totalitarian. In ancient times, the cult of Satan was kept secret, in the modern world Satanism is no longer hidden so zealously. This worship of the highest form of evil and is perceived more as black magic. Pseudoreligia, which fettered destructive sects, is not only based on worshiping the devil, all Christian virtues there are considered vices.

Satanists fight in the eternal struggle of light and darkness. And they are fighting on the dark side, sincerely believing that as a result, only it will win. The cult of Satan existed in the pre-Christian period. In this sect it was fashionable at all times to bring terrible sacrifices, often infants. It is dangerous for the lives of not only members of the sect, but society.

How to recognize a sect?

Most groups are trying to effectively disguise their activities. Exposing a sect is not easy, but using key characteristics, it will be easier:

  1. Propaganda and involvement of all the big supporters, along with annoying calls and letters, should alert any person. The offer often comes about visiting free seminars, psychological trainings and hiding under itself a luring in a sect.
  2. The newcomer is surrounded with special attention and the connection does not stop for a day, so as not to leave him time to reflect.
  3. Nobody will tell the truth about the true aims of the sect to beginners. In order to become a person among the enlightened, one must take a place higher in the hierarchy's ladder.
  4. Sects exist for donations. After reaching a certain stage, the participant will need to make contributions.
  5. Religion in sects is undeniable, the leader interprets, and all the facts from his life indicate only his connection with the Almighty. Orders of the leader are not discussed.
  6. To penetrate the spirit of the sect a new participant is given a large amount of information in the form of books, booklets, films. He attends meetings at which "miracles" are displayed.
  7. The sect is constantly taught that only her thinking is right, and the sect members represent an elite with incredible knowledge and encourage sectarians to regret other people and tell the truth.
  8. An ordinary person is literally torn from the family and the usual circle of communication, establishing constant control over him. Adjusting it under the life of the sect, they urge to act actively.
  9. Signs of the sect are hidden in the insignia. For this purpose, tattoos are applied, pendants, brooches are worn, a special hairstyle is made.

How do they enlist in sects?

Given the fact that there are a lot of information about the danger of sects, people still fall into traps set up. How does such a professional recruitment work and how do people get into sects? The truth is that the leaders of the sects are captivating charisma, plus they are professionals in the manipulation of consciousness. The art of persuasion in sects is taught even to ordinary preachers.

Preachers choose those who are inclined to suggestion. Everything begins with agitation and familiarity with the rules. A little later, it will follow that a person will be convinced to limit communication with the outside world. How not to get into the sect? A confident and firmly standing person on the ground will never fall into a sect, but there is no person who always has everything well, so everyone can fall into the paw of a sect:

How can you understand that a person is in a sect?

There are a number of signs that help to determine that a person has fallen into a religious group. Thanks to the fact that modern sects have begun to work with sophisticated methods, such people are seen.

How to get a man out of a cult?

Religious groups are ordinary business. Those standing at the top earn big money on this. If a person has already been dragged out, it is very difficult to wrest it from the sect. At the first steps in the sect, a person is in a state of euphoria and how to get out of the sect does not bother him at all. There he can feel his own uniqueness and significance. The only way - communication with the family and a competent psychologist. It would be good to find a man who managed to get out of there, he knows best how to fight with the sect.

The most dangerous sects in the world

A lot of sects operate on the planet. All of them are more or less dangerous, but when it comes to not only clouding the mind and extorting money, but also terrorism, mass suicides, child molestation and human sacrifices, it becomes scary. The most dangerous sects of the world were engaged in or engaged in this activity.

The most famous sects:

  1. "The Church of Scientology" - is made up of various distorted ideas from the sphere of science and the religious field. This is an example of a true dangerous totalitarian sect that has been engaged in murders, terrorism for many years. Preachers of the sect are using drugs and weapons, forcing their women to earn the prostitution they need.
  2. "The Unification Church" is one of the richest and most influential totalitarian sects in the world. More than one billion dollars a year the sect spends on recruiting new supporters. The sect has warped and corrupted the entire Christian culture, forcing people to beg, trade and steal.
  3. The Ku Klux Klan is a dangerous terrorist organization. Its members are racists who "by their methods" are fighting against blacks, Jews and even Catholics.
  4. "Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God" is a totalitarian sect that propagates the view that the apocalypse is close. The grouping is organized by a former prostitute and "in own way" honors and interprets God's commandments. On the alleged day of the apocalypse, 500 sectarians burn themselves alive in the church.
  5. "Aum Shinrikyo" - the sect is suspected of murders and fraud. After such accusations at one of the subway stations in Japan, sectarians released toxic gas. The leader of the sect was immediately arrested, and hostages, firearms, chemical weapons, and explosives were found in his house.
  6. "Children of God" - this sect rapes children and this is considered normal. Members of the sect themselves bring their children, who are then forced to engage in prostitution.
  7. "Order of the Solar Temple" - a sect based on the belief that the existence of a person begins only after his death. Mass suicides - its characteristic feature. Their money suicide bequeath the leaders of the sect.
  8. "Branch of David" - a sect of the totalitarian regime, the sect leader has the right to have sex with any woman of the group, pedophilia is widespread in the sect.