Nephroptosis of the right kidney

Nephroptosis of the right kidney occurs more often than the left kidney. In this case, the reasons for increased mobility and displacement of the organ from the right side of the body do not have clear justifications. In addition, the disease can be called conditionally female - in 4 cases out of 5 patients belong to the beautiful half of humanity.

The main symptoms of nephroptosis of the right kidney

Very often the disease is triggered by trauma, or by the displacement of internal organs. For example, during pregnancy. Also cause nephroptosis can be severe weight loss and some infectious diseases, as a result of which the ureter flexes, a hollow vein feeding the kidney, stretches and the organ exits the kidney bed down into the abdominal cavity. In the early stages of the disease is almost asymptomatic.

The omission of the kidney of the 2nd degree is characterized by a number of symptoms:

  1. With the help of palpation, the doctor can feel the kidney through the anterior abdominal wall in the patient's standing position, on inhalation. This is possible only in the absence of excess weight. In prone position, the kidney returns to the renal bed.
  2. Pain in the side to the right. Pain with nephroptosis of the right kidney can give in the lower back, or abdomen. Have a regular noel character. When the patient takes a horizontal position, retreat. At physical exertion, uncomfortable sensations increase.
  3. Change in the level of protein in the urine.

Nephroptosis of grade 3 is even easier to diagnose:

  1. The kidney is palpable both in the standing position and in the prone position.
  2. The patient feels constant pain not only in the peritoneum, but also under the breastbone. The organ can be felt like a foreign body.
  3. The analysis of blood and urine will confirm the violation of metabolic processes and point to inflammation, which almost always accompanies nephroptosis.
  4. In the urine, blood may appear.

Treatment of nephroptosis of the right kidney

The disease can cause pyelonephritis and other kidney pathologies, so it is important to begin therapy on time. Medicinal preparations with nephroptosis of the right kidney are prescribed only in case of concomitant infections. As a rule, these are systemic antibiotics.

In the usual course of the disease and in the early stages of a fairly conservative treatment, which includes:

Diet with nephroptosis of the right kidney is designed to relieve the stress from the excretory organs. The basis of the diet is ground vegetable soups and low-fat dairy products.

In severe cases, surgical treatment is used. During the operation, the kidney is returned to the kidney bed and provides the body with a normal blood supply. After such interventions, bed rest is mandatory for 2-3 weeks, so that the kidney is fixed in a new place.

Treatment of folk remedies nephroptosis of the right kidney does not stop, but it can relieve some of the load from the secretion system. Can be used weak diuretics based on plant raw materials, for example, broth of a dogrose. You can use alternative medicine only in the early stages of the disease and in the absence of concomitant renal pathologies. Also contraindication to the use of diuretic infusions and teas is the presence of large stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

If you suspect a nephroptosis, the only reliable way to confirm the diagnosis will be an expanded blood and urine test, as well as kidney research using ultrasound. In this case, the diagnostic doctor should be informed about the purpose of the procedure - in the second stage of the disease in the prone position, nephroptosis is not determined.