Suspended facade systems

Hinged facade systems were first used in the middle of the last century in Europe, and are now actively used and implemented in construction technology around the world.

Hinged ventilated facade systems

Suspended facades are also called ventilated, because when they are erected between the bearing wall and the facade material, a gap is left. According to the technology of the hinged facade system it should be from 20 to 50 mm. Due to this, the facade can freely enter and circulate air, which removes condensate from the inside of the facade and prevents the formation of mold and fungus on the walls of the building. In addition, such a system makes the structure much warmer, since the heat transfer of the rooms decreases.

Ventilated facades are assembled on the basis of a special metal stainless frame, the parts of which have a universal shape, which allows to realize the most complicated in the constructive plan solutions, to trim out the curtained facade with unusual structures.

Appearance of hinged facades

Externally, the hinged facade system looks like tiles made of porcelain tiles or glass panels fixed on the facade of the building not closely to each other, but with small gaps. Most of now, such a design solution can be seen on commercial or administrative buildings, but increasingly this type of decoration has also been used to decorate the facades of private or multi-apartment buildings. This facade looks easy, modern, its use makes it easier to load the building supports (in case this constructive solution was originally envisaged by the building project, if it is planned to make a hanging facade over the already existing but requiring repair, this, on the contrary, will increase the load on the load-bearing structures ).