Doctors of the Perinatal Center

The perinatal center is a medical organization in which they consult, treat, monitor pregnancy, administer delivery, and post-natal rehabilitation of women and newborns. It is these institutions that are involved in the management of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the nursing of premature babies. In addition, it is the doctors of the perinatal center who are engaged in the treatment of all types of infertility, often using various kinds of assisted reproductive technologies.

Why do we need perinatal centers?

Such kind of medical institutions carry out the following complex of measures:

  1. Rendering consultative, diagnostic, medical and rehabilitation assistance mainly to the heaviest contingent of pregnant women, parturient women, puerperas, newborns, and women with reproductive dysfunction.
  2. Interaction of maternity and childhood protection institutions, and, if necessary, other healthcare organizations.
  3. Rapid monitoring of the condition of pregnant women, parturient women, puerperas and newborns who need intensive care, ensuring timely delivery of specialized, medical care in the presence of complications.

Conducts a clinical and expert assessment of the quality of medical care for women and young children, the collection and systematization of data on the results of nursing newborns with various pathologies.

Provides a system of rehabilitation measures and rehabilitation therapy, medical and psychological and socio-legal assistance to women and young children.

What specialists work in the perinatal center?

In the state of almost any perinatal center, the greatest number is made by obstetricians and gynecologists. It is they who monitor pregnant women, perform periodic gynecological examinations, advise women on problems related directly to family planning.

If we talk about all the doctors of the perinatal center, the name of the specializations will be a list that looks something like this:

So, the doctors of the department of ultrasound of the perinatal center, often together with the employees of the maternity department, are engaged in the diagnosis of possible disorders during the observation of pregnancy, and also carry out the prevention of diseases in babies born to the world.

Doctors-neonatologists working in the perinatal center carry out nursing of premature babies and monitor their overall well-being and development.