Batat - useful properties

Batat in the people dubbed "sweet potato", as this root is like its edible parts. However, in addition to the external similarity between these two plants, there is no kinship, sweet potato is much more useful than ordinary potatoes, but tastes more like a pumpkin. So, we will consider, what is useful for sweet potato and what is its composition.

Benefits of sweet potato

Batat is a herbaceous plant that looks like a vine, on which the extensions of lateral roots are formed. These are some extensions and are used for food, but in appearance they are similar to potatoes. The pulp of the tuber can be white, pink, orange or red, and the weight can range from 200 g to 3 kg.

Useful properties of "potato" yam come from its composition. In the roots of this herbaceous plant contain vitamins B, C, PP, A. In addition, they are rich in carbohydrates and vegetable proteins with a small calorie content: only 61 kcal per 100 g. The sweet potato also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, and also such useful substances like: carotene, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin.

It is worth noting that one of the most useful properties of sweet potato is its ability to influence the libido, because it contains a natural female hormone progesterone. Therefore, it is especially useful to consume root vegetables of this plant to women during menopause, since they can significantly alleviate the symptoms.

Starch plants are widely used as an enveloping and emollient for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also recommended to use it as food for a general strengthening of the body, increasing immunity.

Batat is a good source of sugars and a source of fast carbohydrates, so it can be consumed after a lot of physical exertion, such as strength training, to quickly fill nutrient deficiencies. Especially useful Baked sweet potato, which tastes like a very sweet pumpkin.

Damage to sweet potato

The benefits and harmfulness of sweet potato are quite closely related. So, if it is recommended to use it for people with gastrointestinal diseases, for example, gastritis and ulcers, then in case of aggravation of these diseases, on the contrary, it is worth to give up altogether this root. This is due to the fact that yam juice irritates the stomach and intestinal mucosa.

Also, one should not eat sweet potatoes to pregnant women and those who breastfeed.

And, naturally, this root is contraindicated to those who have an individual intolerance of the substances that make up the sweet potato.