Pita bread with chicken

You can serve Armenian lavash to the table just like regular bread. And you can use it to make delicious dishes. Now we will tell you how to make delicious snacks of pita bread with chicken.

Pita bread with chicken and mushrooms



Mushrooms, chicken and greens first mine, then dried. Onions cut into small cubes. Chicken and mushrooms also cut into cubes. In the frying pan pour the vegetable oil, put the onion and fry it until it is transparent. Add the chicken fillet and cook until the meat is white. After that, add crushed mushrooms, stir and fry for another 10 minutes. Grind the leaves of parsley and add to the remaining ingredients in the pan, mix, and then turn off the fire. Cool to room temperature. We unfold the sheet of pita bread, grease it with melted cheese, and on the even layer distribute the prepared stuffing. We turn off pita bread with chicken and mushrooms rolls. We remove it in the refrigerator for an hour for 2, and then cut it in portioned pieces.

Pita bread with chicken, pepper and tomatoes



For this recipe, chicken meat is suitable both in fried and in boiled form. Prepared fillet cut into cubes, vegetables - slices. Mix ketchup with mayonnaise and grease the resulting sauce with a sheet of lavash. From above place the chicken, vegetables and leaves of arugula. The lateral edges of the sheet are turned inward and folded pita bread. In the frying pan grill pour the oil, heat it and lay out our roll, fry from both sides for 40-50 seconds. Have you got beautiful golden stripes? If so, pita bread with chicken and vegetables is ready. We serve it to the table immediately - in a hot form it is much tastier!

Chicken recipe in pita bread



Paste the lavash on the working surface, grease it with sour cream and rub it with chopped dill. Boiled chicken cut into cubes and put on lavash, from above distribute the plates of tomatoes and cheese. Fold carefully a sheet of pita bread in a roll, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, and then cut into pieces.

Lavash with cabbage and chicken



We first boil the chicken, and then cut it into cubes and fry it together with onions in vegetable oil. White cabbage is finely shredded, salted, slightly sprinkled with vinegar. Cheese is crushed with a large grater. Each pita leaf is cut into 4 squares. Each of them is lubricated with mayonnaise, we put chicken, cabbage and grated cheese on top. Gently fold the envelopes and send them to the frying pan to fry until a ruddy crust on both sides.

Lavash with smoked chicken



Cream cheese mixed with mayonnaise and chopped dill. With the thigh, we peel and cut the meat small cubes. Onion cut as small as possible and mix it with smoked chicken. We cut tomatoes with small cubes. Peeled chives of garlic are crushed and mixed with tomatoes, salt and pepper are added to taste.

Now we begin to form a roll: 2 sheets of pita bread are stacked on top of each other, the top is greased with cheese mass and completely lined with green salad leaves. We put the third sheet of lavash on top, place the chicken with the chopped onions, finally put the last sheet of lavash and on it - tomatoes with garlic. Now gently roll the roll. We remove it in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. After that, a well-soaked roll is cut into pieces - lavash rolls with smoked chicken are made.