How to pump the press on the horizontal bar?

It so happened that in life the bar is considered to be exclusively a man's attribute for inflating the press, and women are even afraid to approach it. Suggesting that the bar of non-female hands started when the school days were over, when the fizruk drove the boys to the bar with might and main, and if we had to approach him, we got off with a slight fright, just hanging on the crossbar. So, today we are waking up stereotypes, we'll see how the girls pump up the press on the bar.

When and how much to be engaged on a horizontal bar?

The turnstile is the ideal means for inflating both the bottom and top with the side press. It is possible to pump the press on a horizontal bar in two weeks, provided that you follow the rules of a balanced diet, and also exercise moderately, without fanaticism, leaving time for rest. Exercises for the abdominal press on the bar can not be performed daily. First, the abdominal muscles require the greatest amount of time to recover, namely, during this period, there is an increase in strength and the formation of muscles. Secondly, if you will be pumping the press from morning till night, your abdominal muscles will stretch, and a rounded abdomen, though with a relief, will form. In a word, pumping the press on the bar should occur about three times a week, rest the rest and conduct aerobic workouts .

First remove the fat, then pump up the muscles

If you have a fatty layer on your abdomen, then no matter how much you press the press, your relief muscles will be tucked away under the fat. Before you deal with the issue of how to pump the press on a horizontal bar, get rid of fat by running, jumping rope and swimming.


First of all, it is worth to warm up standing up. We focus our attention on the lumbar zone, which will have the greatest load. Have made a couple of slopes, forward and sideways. We approach the horizontal bar, we make a normal grip - fingers grasp at themselves. Depending on the grip, we can change the load on the muscles. So, if you change the usual grip on the opposite, the load will be directed at the pectoral muscles and biceps. The width of the grip should be equal to the width of the shoulders.

  1. They hung on the bar as long as possible. It is very useful for the spine, and will also help psychologically get used to the new inventory. Next, try to pull up straight legs to level 90⁰ parallel to the ground. If it works, then do 5 repetitions, then jump off, rest, and do two more approaches five times. This exercise helps to work the bottom press on the horizontal bar.
  2. With the help of lifting the legs with bent knees, you can pump not only the lower but also the side press on the horizontal bar. The lower press: the legs are bent at the knees and raised as high as possible, fixed, lowered without jerking. Lateral press: bent legs in the knees raise to the side, and slightly torso the body in the opposite direction. We do a typical twisting. In addition, we can proceed to a static exercise. We raise straight legs to 90⁰ and hang for 30 seconds, we lower our legs slowly on toes, without jerks.
  3. For the more advanced, there is an exercise in which the straight legs are raised not just to a 90 degree angle, but as much as possible, touching the crossbar with a tip.
  4. And for the most advanced, who are engaged regularly and have well-pumped muscles, there is an exercise with a special adaptation. The exercise is carried out in a head-down vise and consists in lifting the trunk as high as possible from this position.

On the bar everything is simple and clear. In this article, you were able to get acquainted with the theory of performing the basic exercises on the bar . Performing them, you will very soon achieve a pumped flat stomach with relief.