Ear from the head of salmon

For its long history, the ear managed to visit and the royal dish, which only the rich could afford, and a dish for people of average income, and the main delicacy of most fishermen. Anyway, the recipe, which we'll talk about further, is difficult to call traditional - the salmon is practically not used in cooking the classic soup. In modern times, when red fish has become more easily accessible, many people can afford to cook an ear on its basis. We will stop on the most budgetary variant - the ear from the head of salmon.

Recipe for soup from the head of salmon

For the following recipe, you can use either one head or head mixed with fillets. In the latter case, in addition to the rich fish broth, you will eventually get a soup with a high content of fish pulp.



The head of the salmon is rinsed and we remove from it the gills and eyes, if not, the latter, they will make the broth bitter and completely inedible. Fill the cleaned head with cold water, put the laurel leaves, onions and half carrots. Cut the rough stems from the grass, tie them with a string and the resulting "bouquet" is also placed on the bottom of the pan. We put the container on medium fire, and after boiling of the liquid, the heat is subtracted. Cook the broth, periodically removing the foam from the surface of the liquid, about 40-60 minutes. Broth filter, add to its cubes of potatoes, the remains of carrots and again put the pan on the fire. Cook the soup until the potatoes are ready, and in the meantime we remove all the remaining pulp from the fish head and add it to the ear at the very end, along with a generous portion of crushed fresh herbs.

Delicious ear from salmon head



Clearing the heads from the gills and eyes, pour them cold water in a deep pan so that they cover. We put the pan on the fire, add the peas of pepper and cook the fish for an hour after the boiling of the liquid.

While the broth is brewed, pour oil into the saucepan and save on it small pieces of celery, carrots and onions with laurel leaves.

After the time of cooking, broth filter, and disassemble the fish, separating the bones from the pulp. In the strained broth pour in the wine, put the vegetable fry and potato cubes, wait for the vegetables to soften, and in the finale we supplement the soup with fish and an abundance of shredded greens. Before serving in the soup, pour the lemon juice.

Delicious ear from salmon head with shrimps

Despite the fact that we were going to limit ourselves to budgetary recipes, we can dilute the previous couple with a dish with shrimp in the composition. One kind of serving of such a luxurious soup will not be able to leave indifferent any eater.



Cleaned the head with water in a saucepan and leave to boil for an hour over medium heat. In the meantime, we prepare the roast on the basis of carrots, onions and stalks of celery with laurel leaves. Ready broth filter, put vegetables in it (frying and potato cubes) and cook for 20-25 minutes, so that the liquid is filled with their fragrance, and the potatoes become soft. In the final, we add to the soup pieces of fish, peeled shrimp, and cook the soup from the salmon head for 6-8 minutes.