Products containing vitamin D

Vitamin D, or calciferol - an integral link in the chain of vitamins, which, absent in the human body, can significantly disrupt the work of all organs and systems. Therefore, in order for the body to function fully, the diet of people of all ages should include foods that contain vitamin D.

Benefits of Vitamin D

The main task of vitamin D is to help the body process and assimilate calcium. Everyone knows that without this chemical element, the proper formation of teeth and bones is impossible. Therefore, calciferol is especially important for the growing body of children.

Vitamin D is responsible for the healthy state of the skin. It soothes itching, reduces inflammation and redness on the skin, and also protects against the appearance of all skin diseases, for example, psoriasis.

It is very important to eat foods containing vitamin D, because this substance inhibits the growth of cancer cells and prevents them from developing. Also, this vitamin maintains the ability of the thyroid gland, nervous and cardiovascular system. Indispensable calciferol and to strengthen the muscles, and to treat conjunctivitis, and to enhance immunity.

You should enter in the daily menu more foods that contain vitamin D if the following problems occur:

All these signs indicate that the body needs this vitamin, which means that there is a threat of the emergence of serious diseases, such as tuberculosis, cancer, schizophrenia , etc.

Vitamin D in food

Products containing vitamin D are enough, so any person can choose those that meet his tastes and preferences. The main products, rich in calciferol:

These are only the most common sources of vitamin, but if you look at the special table you can see a broader list of foods with vitamin D.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D has two main forms - vitamin D2, and D3, which has the second name "cholecalciferol". Vitamin D3 is considered the most useful, it enters the body with food, as well as produced by exposure to sunlight.

Cholecalciferol is needed for:

The lack of vitamin D3 threatens:

Products that contain vitamin D3:

Vitamin D3 is best absorbed together with calcium, so that the effect of cholicalceferol was more effective, it is desirable to eat foods that contain both of these substances. The ideal option is cow's milk, which is enriched with calcium and vitamin D.

However, in addition to products that have this component, it is also necessary to take sun baths, so that the body itself forms this vitamin. If a person rarely goes to the sun, and does not have enough of the food supplied with food, then you should start using special vitamin complexes to prevent the deficiency of this substance.