Patties with potatoes

Of course, potatoes - not the richest stuffing for pies and not the best from the point of view of dietetics (still, carbohydrates with carbohydrates). However, pies with potatoes are nourishing food, useful for physically working, athletes, and growing, not inclined to fatness, to 25. Recipes of lenten pies with potatoes will interest those who are fasting and vegetarians of various kinds. Of course, in the filling, the basis, which makes potatoes, you can add other ingredients, for example, onion-mushroom mixtures, greens, spices. Those who have not given up meat can add ground beef or pieces of liver to the potato stuffing.

Dough for pies with potatoes will suit fresh, on yogurt, or fresh yeast. It is very important to use a good flour, the most successful choice is wheat flour, whole-grain wallpapered or spelled. You can use a mixture of wheat flour with rye, oatmeal, barley or buckwheat, which is especially important in some dietary situations. Yes, and in general, such mixtures are preferable, because it is more useful. When preparing and kneading dough from mixtures (especially rye flour), it should be taken into account that the oar or dough will rise slightly longer than when only wheat flour is used.

The recipe for fast delicious fried patties with potatoes and dough liver on kefir


For filling:


We put the potatoes to boil in a separate saucepan.

Sift flour into a bowl with a slide and make a groove, add egg, salt, soda and pour kefir, knead the dough. Stir thoroughly, but not for long, you can mixer. Let's leave the dough.

Finely chopped onion and liver, cut into small pieces, fry in oil in a frying pan and bring to the ready for 15 minutes. You can add 4-5 fresh champignons (sliced) to the mixture - it will be even more delicious. We season the mixture with spices, fry it, cool it and let it through the meat grinder. We weld the cooked potatoes and mix them with liver minced meat. Add the chopped greens and the chopped garlic, mix.

How to make pies with potatoes?

We roll from the dough "sausage", divide it with a knife into equal pieces, from them we roll out round substrates for pies. In the center of each substrate, put a lump of filling and splint the edges into one seam or three. We take pies and fry in oil (and preferably on pork or chicken fat in a frying pan). Fry from both sides until golden brown. We serve pies warm with kefir or tea.

Better, of course, will bake cakes. In this version, spread the patties on a greased baking tray and bake in the oven. Blush - ready, you can grease them with egg white, or yolk, or butter.

Recipe for lean patties with potatoes from yeast dough


For filling:


We set to cook potatoes.

We raise the yeast and sugar in slightly warm water, add the sifted flour and knead the dough, put the bowl in the heat. It is necessary to give the test twice and to squeeze it.

We pour boiled potatoes and add chopped greens. How to make pies, as well as fry or bake them, is described in detail in the previous recipe (see above). In the filling, you can add an onion-mushroom mixture, passed through a meat grinder, cooked in lean oil.