Vitamin E for the face

To preserve the beauty of our skin in our body must be in sufficient quantities to receive various vegetable oils, because they have all the vitamins for skin regeneration. The most useful is vitamin E.

It is often called a vitamin of beauty, it has the property of slowing the aging process, renewing cells. The lack of vitamin E is reflected in the appearance: the skin loses its elasticity, it becomes dry. Vitamin E has a big impact on the reproductive health of a woman, which also affects the skin.

The properties of vitamin E

The benefits of vitamin E for the skin is as follows:

The use of vitamin E

Mixing vitamin E in a liquid state with base oils is the most convenient way to use it for the skin. As the base oils are coconut, apricot, jojoba oil, grape seeds. They can enrich cosmetic products, add to creams, shampoos.

A mixture of coconut or peach oil with vitamin E helps improve the condition of dry facial skin.

To nourish the delicate skin of the eyes, it is recommended to rub vitamin E with olive oil. With a mixture, gently lubricate the skin, and remove the rest with a napkin.

You can independently prepare a cream based on vitamin E, suitable for both hands and face:

  1. Chamomile flowers (a large spoon) are poured with boiling water (half a cup).
  2. After half an hour, filter.
  3. Two large spoons of this infusion are mixed with camphor and castor oils (for each one), with ten drops of vitamin E and glycerin (a half-spoonful), which is very useful for the skin, due to the fact that it retains moisture.
  4. All components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Products with vitamin E

This vitamin can be found in milk, eggs, oils, and it is practically not found in meat food. Its sources include fresh vegetables. When frozen, the vitamin E content is reduced by half, and with conservation, vitamins completely disappear. A small amount of vitamin E can be found in margarine, but its activity is rather small. Rich in vitamin nuts, seeds, radish, spinach, cucumbers. Of course, these products include oils. However, when heated in a frying pan, they form free radicals, which have a disastrous effect on our cells.

Should I take vitamin E supplement?

If your diet contains nuts, eggs and oils, then the body will not experience a deficiency of this vitamin. Therefore, to take vitamins for the skin in tablets should be, only after consulting with a doctor. The vitamin itself is non-toxic and its use with food can not cause an overdose. However, improper intake of drugs may cause a rise in the level of cholesterol, increased risk of heart disease, lung cancer, lead to diarrhea.

Vitamin E is contraindicated in the following cases: