Greek sauce

The popular Greek sauce Tzatziki as soon as we do not call - and "dzadziki", "tsatsiki", and "tzattsiki" - is not the point. But if you at least once tried this hot sauce -talk, he certainly became one of your favorites. It can be and just smeared on bread, get very satisfying. And serve to meat, fish, vegetables. And, since it is customary to cool it before serving, this Greek sauce perfectly freshens in the summer heat.

The adapted recipe of the Greek sauce "Dzadziki"



The real Greek yoghurt - very thick and fat (usually it is made from goat or sheep's milk) in our stores, unfortunately, is not for sale. It remains only to find him an adequate replacement. It can be a mixture of fatty sour cream and cottage cheese. Sour cream can also be replaced with ordinary unsweetened yoghurt, which is placed on a folded several times gauze and hang for several hours to leave excess fluid. If you do not want to do this, just buy ready-made curd "Aktiviyu". As you can see, there are plenty of options.

We mix cottage cheese and sour cream in a homogeneous mass and add to it the garlic, olive oil and lemon juice passed through the press. Cucumbers are cleaned from rough skins, rubbed on a grater and slightly squeezed through gauze. By the way, isolated juice is not thrown away, but used for cosmetic purposes. It can be frozen and rubbed with these cubes face - perfectly tones the skin!

We connect cucumbers with the main mass, salt to taste. We put the finished sauce in a salad bowl. It can be decorated with a sprig of oregano or mint leaves, olives and olives.

Recipe of the Greek sauce "Tzattsiki" from yoghurt with cucumbers



Cucumber clear of the skin, remove the seeds and rub on a small grater. Solim and leave for 10 minutes, after drain the excess liquid and mix with yogurt. Add the same missed through the press garlic, olive oil, vinegar, chopped greens and pepper. We mix everything well and put it in the cold. After 2 hours, a real Greek sauce can be served to the table.

We liked our recipes, then we recommend to try in addition one more Greek sauce "Skordalia" .