Fish blue whiting - good and bad

This fish, belonging to the cod family, is small in size and tastes the closest to navaga. In the fillet of fish whiting is a lot of small pits, however its useful properties conceal this lack.

Benefit and harm of blue whiting

The blue whiting fillet contains a whole storehouse of vitamins, including vitamin A and D, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, manganese, cobalt.

Vitamin A helps the body fight colds, increasing the resistance of the respiratory tract to microorganisms and viruses. On the skin, vitamin A also affects positively: it speeds up regeneration processes, restores elasticity, prevents wrinkles. The lack of this vitamin directly affects the condition of the nails, hair and skin.

Vitamin D is usually prescribed to children for the prevention of rickets, but it is extremely important for adults, and especially for the elderly. Without this element, there is no complete digestion of phosphorus and calcium, which are so necessary for healthy and strong bones.

Iodine has a positive effect on mental processes, increases immunity, protects the thyroid gland from dysfunctions.

Is fish oil from fish blue whiting useful?

Certainly, cod liver oil, not the most delicious treat, however, the content of omega-3 and vitamins in concentrated form makes it indispensable for children and people who care for their health. It is used in complex therapy for the treatment of atherosclerosis, lupus erythematosus, arthritis, as well as various skin lesions. Fat blue whiting is an excellent preventive against breast and intestinal cancer.

What is useful for blue whiting fish for weight loss?

Whiting contains all the necessary microelements to maintain good health, besides it has very low caloric content. So, the steamed fillet of this fish contains only 81 calories. per 100 g. Therefore, you can easily lose weight in your menu, without fear for the figure and the feeling of hunger.

Harm to blue whiting

Fish blue whiting is incredibly useful, however it is harmful to some people. So, do not use it for intolerance and allergies to fish and seafood, as well as to carefully introduce children into lure.