Himalayan diet

The Himalayan diet is based on the use of macrobiotic porridge, made using a special technology and not requiring cooking, it is enough to add milk or water and the porridge is ready. Due to the fact that this product is not subjected to any heat treatment, it retains all the useful elements. For 14 days the Himalayan diet will help to get rid of 10 and more kilograms, thus the organism will not experience stress, tk. porridge enriches it with the basic substances necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body's systems.

The Benefits of the Himalayan Diet

The use and effectiveness of macrobiotic porridge is due to its composition. Vitamins of group B normalize the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous system, have a beneficial effect on digestion, participate in metabolic processes of the body.

Vitamin PP, which is also a lot in this product, regulates the secretory function of the stomach, increases the protective properties of the body.

Magnesium plays an important role in maintaining the full function of the heart, controlling blood pressure.

The Himalayan diet is an excellent option for women who consider calories and who want to lose weight . Thanks to the fact that macrobiotic porridge includes seeds of flax and buckwheat grains, the Himalayan diet helps to lose weight very quickly. Seeds are rich in fiber, which removes from the body slag, excess fluid, toxins and other harmful deposits accumulating in the intestines for years. Also in the grains are acids, which help fast and easy digestion of food.

Macrobiotic porridge is a very satisfying product, so if you eat just one serving, you will not feel hungry for a long time, because of this, reduce the amount of calories consumed by two or more times.