A simple recipe for donuts

On a day off, I'd like to please some people with something delicious. Unfortunately, there is not always time to cook something complicated. To ensure that children do not go without a sweet tooth, for busy moms, we offer a simple donut recipe.

And tasty, and useful - donuts with cottage cheese

Toddlers are reluctant to eat cottage cheese. To feed the kids with this useful product, we offer the simplest recipe for donuts from curd pastry.



  1. Cottage cheese is wiped through a sieve, so that the structure is creamy. If there is no home-made cottage cheese, you can use a store at least 20% fat, but it is better to wipe it through a sieve twice.
  2. Add sugar and eggs, gently stir, gradually adding vanillin and baking powder.
  3. Flour sift and add to the rest of the ingredients. The dough turns out sticky, but if you pour in more flour or knead it for a long time, the donuts will turn out to be tough. Fast stir and spread the dough on a flour-strewn table.
  4. Using a dessert spoon, we separate the pieces of dough, roll the balls with wet hands and lower them into a well-heated oil.
  5. Fry until smooth golden color.
  6. Since donuts are fried very quickly, it is better to pre-roll everything and put on a floured board.
  7. We take out donuts on paper towels so that the excess oil is absorbed.
  8. Ready-made delicacy can be sprinkled with powder, served with sour cream and cocoa.

This simple recipe for cheese donuts without yeast will please the whole family.

Donuts without cottage cheese

You can make donuts quickly and not from a cottage cheese pastry. To make the dish useful, we prepare donuts with apples, we offer the same simple recipe, although it will take a little more time.



We use a simple recipe for making donuts in yeast in two stages.

  1. We put the spit. Half the milk (water or whey) is heated to a temperature of no higher than 45 degrees (try with your finger - there should be a comfortable heat). In the liquid, we dissolve sugar and yeast. Stir and in a warm place set for a quarter of an hour to rise.
  2. In the meantime, we sift the flour and mix the remaining milk in the bowl with butter, salt and egg.
  3. Add the spoon and, slowly pouring the flour, stir the dough to a creamy consistency.
  4. Preparing apples. Mine them, cut into 4 parts and remove the middle with seeds and partitions. Cut the skin, cut it into small cubes. Not three on the grater, otherwise there will be too much juice.

If you use this simple donut recipe, frying them in a pan is much easier than in a cauldron.

  1. When the dough has barely risen, we put apples, stir and warm up the oil.
  2. Wet hands or a spoon, dipped in vegetable oil, scoop up the dough and form the balls.
  3. Fry them over medium heat.
  4. Ready donuts are taken out on paper towels or a special grate.
  5. When they cool slightly, you can sprinkle powder or pour glaze .