Albendazole - analogues

Albendazole is an anthelmintic agent. It is used to treat intestinal parasite forms. The active substance in it is albendazole. Therefore, if you want to replace such a medicine, choose a remedy that coincides with this characteristic. Then it will have the same pharmacological properties as the original preparation Albendazole.

Albendazole analogues in tablets

If you are looking for analogs of Albendazole in tablets, you will be treated with drugs:

  1. Nemosol - tablets with a wide range of anthelmintic effects, which contain albendazole. They block the muscle cells of parasites, which leads to their death. Nemozol is effective in the infestation of various types of intestinal worms. It destroys both adults and their eggs or larvae. This drug can be prescribed in the therapy of mixed helminth infections.
  2. Aldazol is one of the most effective synonyms of Albendazole. Such tablets are active against many species of pathogenic protozoa, act on intestinal and tissue forms of helminths and are active against larvae, eggs and adult parasites . They are also prescribed in the case of migratory skin larvae. When using Aldazole, you do not need to take laxatives or follow a diet.
  3. Centel is an antiparasitic and antiprotozoal preparation that can be used in most types of helminthic invasions. Clinical improvement of the patient's condition comes in just a few days, and a full recovery within 3 weeks. Some patients receive a second course of therapy. Zentel has side effects, so take it in strict accordance with the instructions.

With tissue or intestinal forms of parasitic diseases, a drug with albendazole, such as Vormil , can also be used. It acts on adult helminths and their larvae, suppressing the polymerization of tubulin. This causes a violation of the metabolism of parasites and their further death.

Analogues of Albendazole in suspension

Some patients with disorders of the swallowing reflex can not take tablets with anthelmintic activity. They prefer to use preparations containing albendazole, released in the form of a suspension. One of these medicines is Pharmox . It disrupts the formation of microtubules in the intestines of helminths, suppressing the ability of parasites to metabolize glucose. As a result, they perish and are emitted with feces. The dosage of Pharmax is selected individually and depends on the type of helminth and the mass of the infected person.