Calorie Feijoa

Not so long ago appeared on the shelves of the overseas fruit feijoa gradually gaining popularity. This exotic berry with a delicate sweet taste quickly fell in love with the inhabitants of the northern latitudes. Feijoa is consumed both independently and as part of desserts, cakes, pastries and other confectionery. Those who follow the figure, it is interesting to know the caloric value of feijoa, and those who seek maximum benefit - read about the amount of nutrients in the exotic berry.

How many calories are in feijoa?

This fruit has a low energy value - only 49 kcal per 100 g. It should be noted that most of the caloric content of feijoa is represented by carbohydrates - there are 11 g of them, while proteins and fats are only 1 g per 100 g of product.

Use feijoa in diabetes is recommended with caution and infrequent, because its glycemic index is 40 units. Many believe that all low-calorie foods are great for snacks, supper and even late meals, and since the energy value of feijoa is low, you can eat it at any time. It should be noted that, like many berries, feijoa has a tender and sweet taste, and therefore, a high content of natural sugars. If you follow the figure, avoid eating any sweet foods, be it baking or fruit, in the afternoon. The fact is that at this time the natural metabolism is reduced, and therefore the energy that comes with carbohydrates, the body can not expend, and it is stored in the form of fat cells.

Until 14.00 you can safely eat feijoa and other sweet fruits and berries - in this case they will not bring the figure harm.

Is feijoa useful?

Like any product, feijoa gains maximum useful properties only after full aging. Rip and transport these fruits are still unripe, but during transportation they usually manage to find a dark green peel and a bright aroma that indicates that the berry is ready for consumption. When choosing to be careful: these fruits quickly deteriorate, and only a mature and qualitative fruit will bring benefits.

Consider what is contained in feijoa:

It should be noted that in addition to the huge amount of vitamins and nutrients, feijoa also possesses whole complexes of essential oils, which also have a beneficial effect on the human body. For example, with the help of this property, it is possible to alleviate the course of the cold and increase the body's resistance to viruses.

Thanks to the very high content of nutrients, this fruit can be considered healing. It is recommended to be used by all who suffer deficiency of iodine, or has problems with the thyroid gland. Moreover, its systematic inclusion in the diet is useful in such frequent diseases as gastritis and pyelonephritis.

The abundance of vitamins makes it possible to use fruits as a natural substitute for pharmacy complexes. If you have an avitaminosis or an inflammatory disease - include dishes with feijoa in complex therapy, and relief will come much faster.

Experts believe that the vitamin-mineral composition allows to influence not only the body, but also the soul: in moments of melancholy or hours of depression, just place emphasis on the diet for this exotic berry, and you will feel much better.