Baked pike

A truly royal dish is a baked pike. Since ancient times, this predatory fish was present at most festivals as the main decoration of the table. Why not revive the old tradition and cook this wonderful dish for the coming feast?

Recipe for pike baked in the oven entirely



Pike my and clean from the scales, the fins of the fish (except for the tail) are cut using culinary scissors. We put the cleaned fish on the chopping board and make deep cuts right under the head, trying not to catch the entrails. We separate the head along with the giblets. Now it remains to separate the skin from the fillet, for this purpose it is necessary to slightly lighten the skin with a flexible and thin knife, trying not to damage it, then put the fingers in the cavity and pull the skin "stocking". Closer to the caudal fin rupture.

The fillet is separated from the ridge and bones, after which we scroll the fish through the meat grinder. Fish soup mixed with chopped herbs, eggs, salt, pepper and soaked bread crumb, which must also be previously passed through a meat grinder. We stuff the fish with the resulting mixture and sew a hole for the stuffing with a thread.

To the carcass we put also a head, after that we grease a fish with sour cream and we put in an oven preheated to 220 degrees to be baked up to readiness. Stuffed pike , baked in the oven, we decorate at our discretion with fresh vegetables, pickles and greens.

Pike baked with vegetables in foil



Pike my, clean and gut. With the prepared fish cut off the head and pour it with water mixed with vinegar for 15-20 minutes (so we get rid of the peculiar smell of mud). We dry the fish with paper towels and evenly season with a mixture of spices for fish mixed with homemade mayonnaise .

In the abdominal cavity of the fish lay onions rings and carrots, and on top we put slices of lemon. Tomatoes are cut crosswise and seasoned with salt and pepper. We wrap the fish and tomatoes with a thick layer of foil and put it on a baking tray. Bake the pike for 20 minutes at 200 degrees, then unfold the foil and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.

How to bake a pike in the sleeve for this recipe? It's very simple, first cook fish and vegetables in the sleeve for 20 minutes, without oiling the pike with mayonnaise, but simply sprinkling with spices, then rip the sleeve, smear the fish with sauce and put on the bake for another 20 minutes.

Pike baked with potatoes



We clean fish, wash and gut, after which we cut into portions. Pieces of pike are immersed in a marinade of vinegar and water, a recipe which is presented above. After 30-40 minutes, the pieces of fish are dried and seasoned with salt, pepper, herbs and lemon juice.

Onions cut into thin semirings, and carrots rub on a large grater. Pass the vegetables until half-ready. Separately, also half-cooked fry potatoes until golden brown.

On the greased baking sheet, we lay out pieces of fish and cover it with a passer and potatoes. Bake fish for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. Ready dish is served with greens.