The child's eyes fester

Problems with health in childhood - a fairly common phenomenon. But, in addition to the usual colds, without which there is not a single kid, there are other, more serious diseases.

It happens that the child is watering or even suppurating the eye. This can happen as with a newborn baby, and with a schoolboy. The main reasons why the child's eyes fester are:

If the eyes of the child fester due to dacryocystitis

If your baby was born more recently and problems with eyes have already begun in the hospital, then pus in the eyes of such a child - a clear sign of blockage of the tear duct. This is a congenital disease known as dacryocystitis. For some reason, a child is born with a narrowed canal of one or both eyes. A tear can not normally pass through such a channel, stagnant phenomena appear in it and, as a consequence, inflammation. In more complex cases, the duct may be occluded at the bottom of the canal. Parents notice that their children often have fainting eyes (especially this is noticeable after sleeping). With these complaints, you must always consult an ophthalmologist. He will tell you how to properly massage a lacrimal sac and prescribe the treatment (usually antibacterial eye drops, which are prescribed after the antibiotic sensitivity test, as well as vasoconstrictor drugs).

If within a few months such conservative treatment does not bear fruit, then the doctor can prescribe the so-called probing (bougie) of the canal. A thin needle (probe) is introduced into the canal and washed with an antiseptic liquid or saline solution under a large head with a thin stream. To the kid before operation bury eyes with drops with effect of anesthesia. Probing is the most effective method of treating dacryocystitis when the tear duct is blocked. However, it is performed only for toddlers, and for children over one and a half years old doctors can not do this procedure, because with age the canal tissues become harder. Therefore, if your one-year-old child has a festering eye, do not hesitate to go to the doctor!

If the eyes of a child are festering due to conjunctivitis

Symptoms of conjunctivitis are somewhat different. One or both eyes turn red, begin to water, and then turn sour. If the disease is not treated, then every day there will be more and more pus, which glues the eyelashes and very hinder the child. In addition, the eyes can be itchy, and sometimes there are signs of photophobia: the child hides from the light, rubs and closes his eyes.

If a child has a frown due to conjunctivitis, then the treatment will be as follows. Depending on the type conjunctivitis (bacterial, viral or allergic) the doctor will prescribe to him eye drops, ointment and rinsing.

As for the washing of the eyes, it should be done in any case, if there is a purulent discharge. This should be done this way: moisten the cotton wool with boiled water, saline solution, chamomile infusion or other antiseptic liquid and wipe the eye, trying to remove the purulent discharge from it, from the outer corner to the inside. Then do the same with the other eye, using a fresh cotton swab. To wash out eyes it is necessary before each procedure of instillation in them of a medicine.

Conjunctivitis is an infectious disease, and therefore it is contagious. A sick child must have his own personal towel, pillow, etc., so that he does not infect others.