Shubat - useful properties

Shubat is a natural sour-milk drink of Oriental peoples. The technology of its preparation is quite simple. In a wooden casket poured camel milk and a special leaven, tightly closed and left to sour for up to three days. The longer the shubat is insisted, the more healing it is considered.

What is useful shubat?

Useful properties of shubat have been known for a long time.

  1. Camel's milk, from which the shubat is prepared, has a high nutritional and caloric value, and the lactose contained in it, has a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system.
  2. Shubat is a natural immunomodulating agent. It contains a large number of microelements and vitamins - calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron , zinc.
  3. In comparison with other sour-milk drinks, in shubat more proteins, fats and minerals.
  4. This drink is recommended for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic hepatitis, gastric ulcer, gastritis, psoriasis.

Although shubat has a lot of useful properties, it should be carefully taken with a sensitive intestinal microflora. Do not use shubat while dieting because of the high caloric content of this product.

What is the use of shubat and koumiss?

For useful properties, the shubat is reminiscent of the equally famous oriental drink - koumiss. This koumiss is made from milk mares, but you can cook it from goat or cow's milk. Koumiss normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of heart diseases, anemia . Also it is recommended to drink to people suffering from tuberculosis, typhoid fever, neurasthenia, used to heal purulent wounds. Regular use of shubat and koumiss promotes the rejuvenation of the body and significantly improves well-being.