Cream oil cake

Today we will talk with you about how to make an oil cake for a cake. It does not flow, it keeps the shape well, it has an excellent taste, in general, it is ideal for interlayering and decorating cakes.

Oily cream with condensed milk for a cake



Mix butter with a mixer, setting a low speed. When we see that it has changed - has become fluffy and white, we introduce a thin stream of condensed milk. The last step is adding vanilla essence, relying on your own taste. The cream is sent to the cold and use it when it freezes. In addition, you can enter into it cocoa, nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits.

Cream oil custard recipe



We separate the eggs - put the proteins aside, and start the yolks. We do this for a very long time, the yolks must turn white by an order of magnitude. As soon as we finish with them, we start to whip the proteins. Steady peaks will be the signal that will signal the end of the process.

At this stage, we inject into the proteins citric acid, and then slightly melted in the microwave oil. Do not stop whipping, we add yolks. When all ingredients are combined, the cream will become homogeneous, liquid. We put it in the cold, and then we put it on the cakes.

Sour cream butter cream



In a fairly deep bowl, spread the butter and sugar. With a fork, we rub these ingredients. We need to, first, sugar dissolve, and secondly, the mass becomes homogeneous and a bit lush. As soon as we saw that we had achieved the desired result, add a spoonful of sour cream and mix everything. So gradually introduce all sour cream, getting a homogeneous cream.

Chocolate-Butter Cream for Cake



We take a small saucepan, pour milk into it. We break the egg there and pour out all the sugar. Mix with a fork to get the mass as homogeneous as possible. After that, heat it and cook it for 1 minute, without forgetting to stir it all the time. Chocolate is broken into pieces of arbitrary shape and poured into a hot mixture. Fire turn off. We interfere intensively, so that the chocolate segments completely disappear. When this happens, cool the mixture.

Oil we keep hours 2 not in a cold, and then we beat up to splendor. In small portions, pour into it a chocolate mixture, stirring intensively. Do not use the cream immediately. First it needs to be cooled for at least half an hour.

Cottage cheese and butter cream



The classic recipe for this cream involves the use of home, soft, tender cottage cheese with a barely noticeable sourness. If you do not have one, you can, of course, replace it with the one bought in the store.

So, take the cottage cheese and put it in a strainer. Pressing down on the top with a spoon, grind it. Quite soft curd can not be grinded, but whipped with a blender.

Sugar is combined with butter and begin to whip at low speed. When the mixture has a uniform appearance, portionwise we introduce cottage cheese. Then, to improve the taste, pour vanillin. Easy blending with a blender and the cream is ready. Do not forget to put it in the refrigerator, otherwise it will slip off the cake instead of forming a beautiful layer.