Diet on zucchini

There are few such vegetables in the world that would be more useful than zucchini. Marrow is an excellent vegetable! And tasty, and useful and low-calorie ... Perhaps, in appearance it is not particularly attractive, but if you count all its qualities, you can simply lose count.

To begin with, in a zucchini more than 90% is water, and it is perfectly absorbed in the body thanks to this. "But what then remains except water?" - you ask, but how many things! First of all, a huge amount of microparticles, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium , copper, iron, and everyone knows how essential they are for the health of key, but vulnerable organs like the heart and liver, and how important it is to support the brain and nervous system.

In zucchini is a fairly standard, but extremely important and useful composition of vitamins, namely such as B1, B3 and C, which are very useful for us, especially in the winter. Therefore, a diet on zucchini is very popular during the winter holidays, and to cook New Year's snacks is a very laudable undertaking.

Diet on zucchini - highlights

One of the most popular diets in Hollywood is still considered to be squash. And not for nothing - with the help of such a diet you can lose 3-4 kilograms in two weeks, and at the same time, keeping all the necessary useful substances in the body.

The secret of the diet is not difficult - you need to try to eat every day as many zucchini (optimally, just over one kilogram). In this case, in order to keep the zucchini all its useful properties, it is best to eat it raw.

We'll figure out how to cook zucchini with a diet. Since not everyone likes raw vegetables, you can squash a little pots on low heat or even eat with other vegetables. There are excellent recipes with white chicken or fish. It is always possible to prepare salads of various types, which include zucchini and perfectly complement the taste, especially if there are tomatoes or cucumbers. Hot dishes, such as casseroles or purees are always welcome on such a diet. The main thing is that the basis of any dish is always the zucchini itself, otherwise the diet will not show impressive results.

Is it possible to diet zucchini?

And if the diet is not zucchini? Is it possible on another diet zucchini - of course, it all depends on you. If you want to lose weight, and "get carried away" by some other diet, do not be afraid to eat zucchini from time to time, because they are not high-calorie, and therefore can be used without fear in the context of any system of losing weight.

How to cook zucchini with a diet?

Diet often means giving up many favorite foods. But with the help of zucchini you can return them to our diet. How do you, for example, a diet with a combination of zucchini, chocolate and cottage cheese? Cottage cheese is used for weight gain, especially with a protein diet. But zucchini with low fat cottage cheese create a very useful mixture, many loved for breakfast. Well, for the mood, we add chocolate (preferably more than 70% cocoa). Chocolate should be melted and used as a sauce for slices of zucchini. This dish, common in the countries of central Europe and is one of the most popular recipes of dietary fondue.