Increased sweating in women - the causes

Sweating is a natural process, which, in fact, protects the body from overheating, eliminates toxins and harmful substances. But if sweating constantly or is observed too often during the day, and this is not related to heat, physical stress, stress, then this is not a normal reaction and should cause concern. Let's try to find out what causes may be associated with increased sweating in women.

Causes of increased sweating in women

We list the most likely factors that cause increased sweating:

  1. Changes in the hormonal background - the period of menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, lactation, etc. Most often, with hormonal changes in women, there is increased sweating during sleep.
  2. Disorders of the endocrine system. One of the symptoms of such pathologies as diabetes mellitus, hypergonadotropic amenorrhea, thyrotoxicosis , hypoglycemia, etc., often sweating.
  3. Infectious diseases (influenza, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.). Increased sweating at night often accompanies many infectious processes in the body, which is associated with an increase in body temperature.
  4. Acceptance of certain medications. Side effects of medications can manifest in the form of increased sweat secretion.
  5. Onkozabolevaniya (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, adrenal gland tumor, etc.) - constant sweating can also testify about such formidable ailments.
  6. Vegetosovascular dystonia . With this diagnosis, sweating causes a number of pathological reactions in the body, the trigger for which is most often emotional overstrain.

Treatment of increased sweating in women

With increased sweating of the armpits, feet, palms, neck and other areas, treatment should, first of all, take into account the causes of this and begin with their elimination. Therefore, for diagnosis, you need to conduct some instrumental and laboratory tests, which are appointed by the doctor.

For the treatment of increased sweating, various medications can be prescribed, both local and systemic. Often appointed sedatives, vitamin-mineral complexes, external means based on zinc salts, salicylic acid, formaldehyde. Patients are recommended to follow a rational diet. Also, to get rid of sweating, hydroprocedures, botox injections and even radical methods can be prescribed, for example, endoscopic sympathectomy, in which the work of the nerve nodes responsible for sweat secretion is blocked.