How to consume creatine?

To date, creatine is one of the main mysteries in the world of bodybuilding. On the one hand, it is difficult for scientists to explain the mechanism of its action, on the other - any athlete familiar with this additive will confirm its effectiveness! We'll look at how to properly consume creatine , and when it really can help.

How to consume creatine?

Regardless of whether you are interested in how to consume creatine in powder, solution or capsules, in any case, you need to select the appropriate admission regimen. There are only two of them:

  1. Scheme one - sparing, without loading. It allows you to save the supplement itself, not to overload the body and achieve results slowly, but systematically.
  2. The scheme with loading - it assumes a high consumption of the additive itself, a large load on the body, but at the same time high efficiency and rapid impact on the body.

Which of them to choose - everyone decides for himself. Below we consider the features of both the first and second schemes.

How best to consume creatine - the first method

So, in the basic, recommended by the experts scheme, it is supposed to take 5-6 g of creatine daily. On days when you attend training, the supplement should be included in the protein cocktail, amino acids or geyner that you take after training. It is advisable to drink it with any sweet drink, preferably with juice. In days of rest, creatine is taken with the morning portion of the rest of the sports nutrition.

This course should continue for 2 months, after which it is supposed to take a break for 3-4 weeks. Then, if desired, the course can continue.

How should I consume creatine with a load?

In this case, the goal is to maximize the body with creatine. That's why the first week it takes 5 grams in between meals (4 times a day). Do not forget that on days when you attend training, one of the servings should be at the time after 15-30 minutes after its termination.

Just like in the previous case, take the product together with other sports nutrition and drink with a sweet drink. It is important to remember that every intake of creatine should be accompanied by the use of at least 1 cup of liquid.

At the end of the first week, reduce the dose sharply to 2 g per day and take only 1 time per day - either in the morning or after training. This course should alternate, and last about 1 month, after which it takes 3-4 weeks of rest and break.

Recent studies have shown that the body can not absorb substances more than equivalent to 5-7 g of creatine. Thus, the need to download is being questioned.