Coffee with breastfeeding

Fears of coffee during lactation are due to the presence of caffeine in it. It is believed that even in small doses of caffeine has an exciting effect on the nervous system. However, it is contained not only in coffee, but also in some other products, namely:

As you can see, caffeine is contained even in your favorite tea and cocoa, but only coffee during breastfeeding causes a wary attitude of mothers. Next, consider the myths and the real facts of whether you can drink coffee with lactation and how it affects the baby.

The use of coffee in breastfeeding - myths and reality

There are several common myths about whether it is possible to drink coffee to a nursing mother:

  1. Coffee with lactation can be drunk, but only without caffeine, the so-called "bezkofeyinovy ​​coffee." This, the final, confusion - in such a drink, caffeine is present, just in less. But scientists are still arguing about the benefits of "light" coffee, as there is evidence of an increased content of cholesterol in it.
  2. Coffee nursing mother can not drink, but tea, especially green, you can use without restrictions. This is a myth, since tea also contains caffeine, called theine, which excites the nervous system.
  3. During lactation, you can drink coffee, because you need to accustom your child to all the foods that the nursing mother is eating. Therefore, to limit yourself is not worth it, how much you want, so much and use. Naturally, such an approach is highly undesirable, it is unreasonable, while there are real studies of American doctors on the effects of caffeine on infants.

Influence of caffeine on lactating women and infants

Scientists have conducted a series of studies that show that the body of a child of the first year of life almost does not absorb caffeine. This ability appears only in the second year of life. If an adult is required to withdraw caffeine from the body for up to 10 hours, then a child of a month's age is not enough and seven days.

With frequent use of coffee, nursing mothers will accumulate caffeine in the body of the child, which, according to many doctors, negatively affects the formation of his nervous system. It becomes restless and irritable, and besides, with an overabundance of caffeine, allergic reactions are possible.

However, not all doctors are of the opinion that coffee with breastfeeding should be excluded absolutely. The fact is that the content of caffeine in different types of coffee is different, and if you advise what coffee you can drink to nursing mothers, then you should rely on such data:

Analyzing all of the above, each mother for herself will decide whether she should drink coffee while breastfeeding. We will add only that if in the morning you really want to cheer up, let it be a cup of natural coffee beans, carefully ground just before consumption. And, of course, you need to closely monitor the reaction of the baby - if he became restless, does not sleep well or wakes up quickly, it is better to wait with coffee.