Greek salad - caloric content

Mediterranean countries are famous for their excellent recipes for healthy and tasty dishes. Greek salad is one of the pearls of Mediterranean cuisine. Caloric content of Greek salad is not high, so it can be used in dietary nutrition.

The Benefits of Greek Salad

Since the Greek salad includes fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions), salad greens, olive oil, cheese and black olives, this dish contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Perfectly balanced Greek salad and the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so this dish perfectly sates, gives energy, but does not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Virtually all components of Greek salad have antioxidant properties, which helps to rejuvenate the body. A large amount of folic acid in the salad helps to increase the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness.

How many calories are in a Greek salad?

The most "heavy" calories in Greek salad are ingredients such as brynza, olive oil and olives. In a 100-gram serving of salad they are about 60 kcal, while in general the caloric content of the Greek salad with butter, brynza and olives is 87 kcal.

Reducing the calorie content of Greek salad is possible due to small tricks, not excluding the most caloric, but also the most delicious ingredients. For example, to reduce the amount of oil, they can fill a salad from a spray. With this method, the oil is applied evenly, and it needs much less.

To reduce the caloric content due to brynza, you can add suluguni to the Greek salad. Caloric content of this cheese is only 240, instead of 600 kcal for cheese from sheep cheese. And that the taste of cheese in the salad was felt stronger, it can be mixed with chopped garlic 10 minutes before adding to the dish.

Greek Slimming Salad

Greek salad is one of the components of the Mediterranean diet, which is considered to be most effective and useful for the body. The approximate diet of this diet is:

Forbidden with the Mediterranean diet of fatty, salty, sweet and flour dishes, as well as sugar. Among the recommended products: olive oil, chicken meat, fish, rice, greens, vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products, dates, cheese, hazelnuts and almonds.