Why can not you drink water fast?

The fact that the human body more than half consists of water is known even to schoolchildren. It is important to regularly maintain the water balance so that the body works correctly. At the same time it is worthwhile to figure out whether it is possible to drink water quickly, how to do it properly and for what it is worth doing. To begin with, I would like to say that it is best to drink thawed or mineral, but non-carbonated water.

Why can not you drink water fast?

Doctors say that when you absorb a large amount of water you can not help but harm the body. To get the benefit, which will be told later, drink liquid slowly and in small sips. Drinking a large amount of water at a time, a person creates a greater burden on the kidneys and negatively affects metabolism .

Why should I drink water?

Since a person is more than 75% water, it is not surprising that it is the main source of energy. The fluid is important in order to supply oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body. It also helps to cleanse the body of various toxins and toxins. If a person wants to lose weight, he should drink more water, because it improves metabolism and helps digestion. In addition, the liquid is important for the health of the skin, hair and nails. It helps to improve the blood condition, reduce blood pressure and cope with pain in the joints.

How to drink water during the day?

In order to obtain the above stated benefit, it is necessary to consume water according to the following rules:

  1. Start the morning with a glass of water at room temperature, in which you can add a little lemon juice. This will get a charge of energy and start metabolism. In addition, it will remove harmful substances from the body.
  2. Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of water, which will dilute the gastric juice, and also partially fill the stomach to quickly feel satiety while eating. It is also important to understand why you should not drink water while eating, as many people have this bad habit. When a person drinks the food with water, the necessary enzymes are not released in the stomach. In addition, much less effort is spent on chewing food, and as a result, large pieces of food appear in the stomach, which it is very difficult to digest.
  3. It is recommended to drink a little water after each trip to the toilet to make up for the loss of fluid.
  4. Increase the amount of water consumed is important for people who smoke, drink alcohol, and also take medications.
  5. In order to calculate the individual norm of the liquid, it is necessary to take into account that for each 1 kg of the person's weight there should be 40 ml of liquid. In addition, there is a rule that the amount of fluid consumed must be equal or be slightly more than the calories consumed with food.
  6. It is important to properly distribute the total volume of liquid, so it is best to drink a small portion every 1-1.5 h.
  7. If a person does sports, then it is important for him to drink water during training, because during the exercise the body loses a lot of moisture together with sweat.
  8. To increase the amount of liquid necessary for an organism costs and during a heat or strong colds, and also in the event that air is too dry.

It is equally important to understand the temperature of the water, because the benefit or harm depends on it, the liquid will bring the body. Cold water worsens digestion and can lead to pain in the stomach. A hot liquid causes the body to waste energy, to cool it. It is best to give preference to a liquid at room temperature, but there is not more than 38 degrees.