The Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are so familiar and ordinary product that we no longer especially attach importance to their value and nutritional value. In the southern and middle latitudes walnuts are very widespread, and this tree does not require special care, but fructifies generously. The use of walnuts is not only in its fruits, but also in leaves and pericarp.

Useful properties of kernels of a walnut

Walnut kernels are used in nutrition, the preparation of medicinal mixtures, as a culinary additive to various dishes. Consider what vitamins in walnuts and what effect they have on the human body. The structure of the nuclei includes:

  1. Unsaturated fatty acids are the most important element of lipid metabolism, they give an influx of energy, positively affect the brain, strengthen the cardiovascular system, strengthen the skin structures, stop the aging of the skin and remove inflammation.
  2. Linolenic polyunsaturated acid (omega 3), which is present in the kernels of walnuts, is not synthesized at all in the human body and is quite rare in everyday products. This element improves the functioning of the immune system, normalizes nervous activity, strengthens the membranes of cells of blood vessels and brain, especially rich in walnut oil.
  3. Free amino acids are easily digestible proteins that participate in the formation of elastin and collagen, which helps to strengthen and tighten the skin, stimulate the pituitary gland, have the properties of antidepressants and improve metabolic and purifying processes in the body.
  4. Coenzyme Q10 - one of the most famous vitamin-like compounds, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, normalizes lipid metabolism, promotes the purification of vessels from atherosclerosis, improves respiratory and cardiac activity.
  5. Vitamins of group B, A, C, D, F, E, K, PP - a wide range of vitamins in walnuts allows replenishing the body with the necessary stock, especially in winter or during active physical activities and training.
  6. Mineral composition of walnuts contains fluorine, magnesium, calcium , zinc, phosphorus, copper, chromium, cobalt, selenium, iodine, iron, which helps enrich the body with the most important building components.

So rich and useful composition allows you to eat walnuts with a diet. If you observe a low-calorie diet, then as a vitamin-mineral supplement you can use chopped walnuts. They can be added in small amounts to their dietary meals or to eat several kernels separately in the morning. To restore balance and energy after hard and mono diets, you can also use nut mixtures in small doses.

Application of walnuts for health, rejuvenation and weight loss

Walnuts are often used as a component of various vitamin blends that can enhance immunity during and after seasonal colds. In addition, these compounds are very useful for women to improve skin tone, stimulate the production of collagen and elastane, strengthen hair and nails, as well as increase the energy of the body while actively playing sports.

One of the simplest medical and energy compounds is honey and walnuts, the benefit of such a mixture is that the two product perfectly combined and complement each other. In addition, they are great for taste and vitamin-mineral composition.

Oil of a walnut is one of the most useful cosmetic preparations which are used by pharmacists and cosmetologists for creation of creams, caring means for hair and nails. At home, you can use walnut oil for weight loss. It can simply be used as a dressing for salads or take 1 teaspoon before eating. When heated, this product loses a lot of useful elements, so use it only in a cold form. If you combine walnut oil with a low-calorie diet, for example, a vegetarian vegetable diet, then the process of losing weight will significantly accelerate and your body will receive a charge of energy, vigor and rejuvenation.