Lemonade "Tarhun"

It's nice on a hot day to refresh yourself with a cool compote of plums or lemonade. But for the preparation of lemonades (in the broadest sense of the word) you can use not only lemons, but also other ingredients, for example, ginger (we recently shared a recipe for ginger lemonade ) or tarhun (tarragon or Artemisia dracunculus, lat.). This plant has a spicy taste and characteristic odor, contains many different substances useful for the human body, is widely used in cooking and folk medicine. Drinks from tarhuna are known since the eighteenth century.

Well-prepared lemonade-tarhun is a drink with a characteristic pleasant refreshing taste and aroma. In the sales network, you can find ready-made carbonated water "Tarhun", but it can contain various unpleasant substances. In addition, carbonated drinks, to put it mildly, are not useful, as such. However, you can prepare a very tasty and useful home lemonade-tarhun.

Refreshing drink "Lemonade Tarhun" - recipe



Boil the water, turn off the fire, add the tarhun, cover it and leave for about 30 minutes. Let's scrape the lemons with boiling water, cut them off and cut them into thin slices. Bones removed. We will fill in the slices (in a deep pial or bowl) with sugar and crush it. By the time the infusion of tarhuna has cooled, the lemon will let down the juice. Transfer the contents of the bowl into a pan with infusion and stir until the sugar dissolves completely. Let's cool the beverage to room temperature and strain through a fine strainer (it is possible with gauze in 2-4 layers). Now you can pour lemonade-tarhun into bottles, plug and cool in the refrigerator, best of all, to a temperature of + 8-11 ° C - this temperature for refreshing drinks is optimal.

How to prepare a more refined drink "Lemonade Tarhun"?

To do this, we just complete the recipe.



Lemons and lime we will burn with boiling water and cut off the tips from the fruit. We chop the fruit with thin halves of circles, remove the bones, put them into a deep enamel or glass container and add sugar. As we remember, to speed up the allocation of juice. Tarhuna leaves and anise seeds will be placed in a one-liter thermos and filled with boiling water. After an hour we will pour the infusion from the thermos into the pan. Add lemons and lime with sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and cool to room temperature and strain through a sieve. We pour out on bottles, cork and cool in the refrigerator.