Fish in Polish

Fish in Polish is a popular and favorite fish dish, which is a fillet with vegetables, sprinkled with aromatic sauce. It turns out quite easy and dietary. For cooking, any fish with white and thick meat will do. Serve it best with boiled potatoes, or rice. Let's find out with you how to cook fish in Polish and please everyone with an original and exquisite dish.

Recipe for fish in Polish


For sauce:


How to cook fish in Polish? We take fresh cod, we process from scales, we gut, we clean and cut off the head, tail and fins. Then break it on the fillet and cut into small pieces. In a saucepan pour water, add spices and throw a bay leaf. Bring to a boil, gently lower the fish pieces and cook for 15 minutes, until ready. This time we make the sauce for the dish: we boil the eggs, clean it and knead it with a fork. Next, gently pour into the resulting mashed potatoes, put a melted slice of oil and add salt to taste. Now put the boiled fish on the plate in Polish and water it with sauce.

The recipe for cooking fish in Polish


For sauce:


To begin with, we need to prepare all the products: cut the fish fillets into large pieces. Carrots are cleaned, grinded on a coarse grater and poured onto the bottom of the pan. Then we put the pieces of fish, cover with an even layer of onion-chopped onion and fill it with water. Season with any spices, cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes after boiling. To prepare the sauce, melt the microwave in oil, add warm broth to it and throw the crushed eggs. Now put on the plate fish, vegetables, pour lemon juice, sauce and sprinkle with green onions.

Fish in Polish in a multivariate



We clean the fish, gut and rinse. Then separate the fillets neatly from the ridge and take out the bones. We cut the meat into pieces, salt, pepper and put in a bowl multivarka. Then add a little water, throw the laurel leaf and cook in the "Quenching" mode for 25 minutes. This time, boil hard-boiled eggs, clean them and finely chop. Butter butter, melt, and dill greens are washed and finely chopped. Next, lay the pieces of fillet on plates, sprinkle with chopped egg, pour oil and decorate the fish in Polish dill.

Polish fish in the oven


For sauce:


To cook fish in Polish cod is gutted, washed and separated the fillets. Then cut into pieces and spread them evenly on a baking sheet. Sprinkle on salt and spices. Eggs boil, clean and finely chop. The bulb is cleaned, shredded in cubes and laid out along with the eggs on the fish. To prepare the sauce, mix the crushed egg with milk and fill it with cod. We send the pan to the oven, and after 15 minutes we take out the fish and put on top pieces of butter. Bake cod for another half an hour and served with boiled potatoes or rice.