Kefir diet - the most effective options

A huge number of women are constantly in search of a suitable method of losing weight, wanting to get a good result for a short time. Due to the compliance with the claimed requirements, diet based on kefir is popular.

Kefir diet for weight loss

To verify the useful properties of the fermented milk product, it is necessary to study its composition. Caloric content is not high, which is important for losing weight. Diets on kefir are characterized by a mild effect on the body, allowing you to gradually lose those extra pounds. In addition, you can get rid of feelings of heaviness, constipation and other problems with the digestive system. Kefir for weight loss has a number of important properties.

  1. Purifies the body of harmful substances that adversely affect the activity of the digestive system.
  2. Improves intestinal motility, which promotes better digestion of other foods, and it will not be deposited as fat.
  3. Helps to quickly cope with the feeling of hunger, while it should be remembered that kefir is not a calorie.
  4. Improves the process of producing hormones that are responsible for the processing of fats.
  5. Thanks to an easy diuretic action, it is possible to remove accumulated fluid from the body, which removes swelling.

Kefir diet menu

There are many different methods, in which the presented fermented milk is the main one. You can combine kefir with vegetables, fruits, cereals and other food. There is a variant of adequate nutrition, calculated for 10 days. It is recommended to adhere to it periodically and especially after the holidays, in order to stabilize the digestive system. Diet on kefir is balanced, so if desired, you can observe it for longer than 10 days.

Kefir diets for fast growing thin

The assortment of techniques that allow you to cope with excess weight and based on the use of a sour milk product is amazing, and everyone will be able to choose the ideal option, because one likes apples, and others - buckwheat porridge. Kefir diet, the versions of which are approved by nutritionists, can last a different amount of time, because everything depends on the use of additional products.

It is important for the diet to choose the right kefir. Low-fat options are not recommended, and it is best to use a beverage with a fat content of 1-2%, because it contains useful fat-soluble vitamins. Drink should be natural without additives. Another important point is the freshness of kefir, and best of all, if the period of its validity does not exceed three days.

Buckwheat diet with kefir for weight loss

The combination of a sour-milk drink and cereals is successful, since a person does not starve, given the satiety of the porridge, but at the same time gets rid of excess weight. You can stick to it for three to seven days, but not more, because the menu is not balanced. Kefir diet with buckwheat is based on consumption of 1.5 liters of drink and porridge, the amount of which is not limited. It is better to steak the cereal for the night than to cook it. Any additives in the form of salt, sugar and other foods are prohibited. Products can be eaten separately, but can be combined. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water.

Diet on yogurt and apples

The next option is suitable for fruit lovers. Apples are considered an ideal product to lose weight because they contain a lot of fiber that cleanses the intestines, and many other useful substances. They help stabilize the digestive tract, improve intestinal peristalsis and remove excess water from the body. Kefir-apple diet can last three or seven days, and it is based on the observance of several rules.

  1. When observing the three-day option, the daily menu includes six glasses of kefir and 1 kg of green apples.
  2. There should be at the same time intervals, so as not to suffer from hunger. First you need to eat an apple and only after half an hour to drink kefir.
  3. Do not forget about the need to use ordinary water, the amount of which should not be less than 1.5 liters.
  4. The diet of the weekly kefir diet is the same, but you can add a small portion of vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

Diet on curds and yogurt

The composition of the permitted products includes useful bacteria and biologically active substances. They do not overload the digestive tract, improving its activity. Included in the composition of potassium, causes a mild diuretic effect. It is important to choose low-fat cottage cheese, but the fat-free version is not suitable. Cottage cheese and kefir diet can last three and seven days. The daily menu includes 400 g of cottage cheese and 1 l of kefir. The total number should be divided into six receptions. For taste, you can use only greens and cinnamon. Kefir diet for a week allows inclusion of 1 kg of vegetables and unsweetened fruits in the menu.

Diet - bananas and yogurt

The presented method of losing weight is especially appreciated by lovers of sweet. Banana contains three kinds of natural sugar and it is considered an excellent source of energy, which is necessary when eating. Kefir with a banana for weight loss is used in two techniques, so one is stiff, and the other is sparing. They differ in the duration, the allowed products and the result.

  1. Tough . You can stick to the diet for 3-4 days. The daily diet includes only three bananas and 3 tbsp. kefir. Divide the quantity into equal parts in order to eat them during the day. Products are allowed to eat separately or make a cocktail from them, mixing in a blender. You can also drink water and tea without sugar.
  2. Gentle . This kefir diet allows the use of 1.5 kg of bananas and any amount of kefir. You can also eat 1 tbsp. A spoonful of porridge or a small piece of low-fat boiled meat. For a long time to adhere to such a diet can not, because the food is unbalanced.

Diet on bran and kefir

Nutritionists agree that the combination of a sour milk drink and bran is ideal for weight loss. Pure fiber absorbs harmful substances and takes them outside, and it also satisfies hunger. There are oat bran with kefir for weight loss should be within 1-2 weeks, which will get rid of 2-4 kg. In the morning on an empty stomach need to drink 2 tablespoons. warm water, and after half an hour to eat 1 tbsp. a spoon of steamed bran, washing it with kefir. For 1 teaspoon of bran and kefir must be consumed every three hours. In the diet can include vegetables, fruits and lean meat. Caloric content of the menu is 1500 kcal.

Kefir unloading day

To the stomach work as a "clock", you can regularly carry out unloading. Good results are provided by a variant based on kefir. Everything is very simple during the day after a certain time, about 3 hours, you need to drink 1 tbsp. drink. Use any supplements and there are other products prohibited. You can and even need to drink ordinary water. To make it easier to carry kefir unloading day for weight loss, it is recommended to prepare for it beforehand, refusing to eat fat and high-calorie food.

Kefir diet - contraindications

Not all people can afford to lose weight, using the above methods of weight loss, because they can do much harm. You can not follow such a diet for women who are waiting for a child or breastfeeding. Kefir diet, the harm of which has been scientifically studied, is banned in tumors, kidney and heart failure, ulcers and acute gastritis. It is not recommended to adhere to the presented diets with inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas, and with increased acidity of the stomach.