Bogatyrskaya diet

Very few people can boast of good health. And often the cause of the appearance of various diseases is excess weight. A special bogatyr diet will help him get rid of it. About her a lot of talk, but what exactly she is, know not all.

The main principles of Dr. Bormental's bogatyr diet

The technique was developed by specialists of the Russian clinic of Dr. Bormenal. In its creation, not only nutritionists, but also physicians, therapists and psychologists took part, since the purpose of the diet is to rid the person of excess weight with a minimal risk to the health of the body and the nervous system. It is important not only to change the diet, but also to get rid of the psychological discomfort that provokes systematic overeating.

In fact, the bogatyr diet for Bormental helps people to start living in a new way. First, fairly rigid principles of nutrition are introduced:

Secondly, it is necessary to keep a careful count of calories, taking into account all the meals per day, without exceptions. Thirdly, completely eliminate alcohol.

Psychologists say that it is important to strive to adhere to such a diet all the time, but at the same time give yourself reliefs from time to time. And do not blame for "failures", the main thing is that they do not become regular. In addition, you need to tune in for a long work on yourself - there is no need to expect a quick result, but when the weight goes away, he will never return.

The distinctive features of the heroic diet are the following:

The menu of the heroic diet

Proceeding from the rule that the daily norm should not exceed 1200-1400 kcal, the menu for the day can be as follows:

The presented menu of a bogatyr diet is exemplary. Every day, the dishes in it must be different. In addition, once a week, it is recommended to arrange unloading days: apple, kefir, buckwheat, etc.

What dangerous dangerous diet?

Bogatyrskaya diet for weight loss is not shown to everyone. Because of its rigidity and low calorie, it is unbalanced and is suitable only for people who do not have serious health problems. Restrictions in the diet can be the cause of poor health in people experiencing constant physical activity. They may feel a breakdown, notice a violation of the heart rhythm, etc. The same applies to patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertensive patients, nursing mothers, elderly people.