How can corn be preserved?

Canned corn can be used to make salads and as a garnish. But the huge variety of this product range in the outlets from different manufacturers is not always harmless due to the use of preservatives, flavor enhancers and other unsuitable components. To correct this unpleasant moment it is possible, having prepared canned corn in house conditions.

Corn refers to those products that contain a lot of protein and a minimum of natural acidity. Therefore, when preserving it, you need to add vinegar, citric acid or additional ingredients containing natural acids, such as lemon or lime. Without their presence canned corn can only be sterilized in an autoclave at a temperature of 116 degrees for forty minutes. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing canned spore organisms that can lead to bacterial contamination.

For harvesting for the winter, grains of dairy or milky wax ripeness of sweet maize varieties are suitable. Collected young cobs should be processed within twelve hours, so only freshly harvested product should be preserved.

Below we will tell you how to properly preserve corn in the home and give proven recipes for such harvesting.

How to preserve sweet young corn for winter at home?


Calculation for one half-liter jar:


We clean the corn from the husks and stigmas, add them to the pan, fill the water in such quantity that it completely covers the cobs. Add salt to taste and after boiling we cook for thirty or forty minutes. Then drain the water, and let the corn cool. Now cut carefully the grain from the ears and put it in clean half-liter jars, filling them "on the hangers." In each jar pour salt, sugar and vinegar, according to the recipe specified above, and pour boiling purified water.

We cover the jars with tin lids and determine into a container with hot water. Sterilize on moderate heat for three hours. No, we were not mistaken, it is this time of sterilization that is required for harvested corn to stand all year without unpleasant surprises.

After the time has passed, we put the lids on the lids and hide them under a warm blanket, wrapping them well, so that they remain warm as long as possible.

How to preserve young corn on the cob?


Calculation for one three-liter jar:


Corns of young sugar corn is cleaned from husks and stigmas and washed with cold boiled water. We put them in a well washed three-liter jar, pour salt, sugar and vinegar according to the above recipe and pour cold boiled water. We place the jar covered with a lid in a container with water and sterilized from the moment of full boiling for one hour. Then roll it with a lid and hide it under a warm blanket until it cools completely, turning it upside down.

Cooled cans are stored in a cool dark place.

Before eating corn, we can stand for several minutes in boiling water.