How many calories are in coffee?

Coffee is perhaps the most controversial drink in the world. Our love for him is immense - for the year the mankind consumes about 760 billion cups of coffee, and on the other hand, almost every second, associates the transition to a healthy lifestyle with the cessation of coffee consumption. So do we love coffee or hate it?

Alas, this question is more than rhetorical, for love without hatred does not happen. Although for many today, the concepts of love and hate no longer have any connection with food - the main question is how many calories, in this case, coffee, and whether there is an opportunity to lose weight with this "trick."

Coffee, caffeine and calories

It turns out that tea contains more caffeine than coffee. And, that to dissemble, in cacao too there is a caffeine - and we in fact do not forbid it to drink to children?

The essence of the news that tea is more "caffeine" is that we use far less raw materials (leaves) to make tea than when making coffee. That is, theoretically, coffee is more "light", but in fact, one cup of tea contains less caffeine than a serving of espresso.

However, coffee can also be different. In soluble and natural ground coffee, the caffeine index is certainly different, but moreover, there are even coffee varieties that either do not contain ill-fated caffeine , or contain, but in very small doses.

In natural coffee, the caffeine index varies from 60 to 120 mg, in soluble - from 40 to 80 mg.

And what is most curious, is how many calories in a cup of coffee directly depends on the caffeine content:

That is, as you can see, the indicators of energy value and caffeine content are directly proportional.

But that's not all - it would seem, consuming decaffeinated coffee, and avoid calories, and keep the heart. Only here the nature and here with us joked - grades of coffee without caffeine can not render that positive influence on your organism that renders usual "kofeinovyj" coffee. It turns out that the indicators of caffeine content and utility (and this is not only an invigorating effect) are also directly proportional.

What is in coffee except caffeine and calories?

Ironically, coffee contains a very decent selection of vitamins and minerals:

This is on average. If you compare the soluble and the natural, the first surpasses the second in the content of vitamin PP (already 133% of the norm), and the second one, in the presence of magnesium and potassium (in soluble, these substances are not preserved).

How many calories are in black coffee?

It is believed that coffee consumed during different diets, in the total caloric value should be counted only when you drink it with sugar, cream, milk, etc. However, as we have already noticed, the drink still has an individual calorie content - a serving of coffee will be about 30-50 kcal. But in spite of this, coffee is really a product with a negative calorie content - that is, consuming it, we lose more than we get.


  1. Coffee contributes to burning calories - it's heard even deaf. And this is due to the activation of the processes of the nervous system - the impulses are transmitted in the fastest possible mode, the metabolism is activated, and the drink helps you to use up your reserves. On the one hand, it is harmful - if you drink only coffee and energy reserves do not replenish, close to exhaustion. And on the other hand, it is this effect that leads to the fact that the body can not be lazy and not saving to practice.
  2. Coffee is a diuretic drink. This is useful if you are suffering from swelling, but do not forget that having intensified diuresis, you need to replenish the water reserves - otherwise, get drunk to dehydration.
  3. Coffee can suppress cravings for sweets - this is useful in those moments when you say to yourself: "If I do not eat something sweet - I will die!".

Caloric content of coffee drinks

Well, and, finally, a short list of the energy value of different coffee drinks (per serving):