Diet with cholelithiasis

Gallstone disease is the process of formation of stones in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts, and the origin of these stones is cholesterol. That is why the main task of the diet for cholelithiasis is to reduce the cholesterol in the blood, by normalizing the diet.

In cholelithiasis, the patient experiences a cutting, acute or moderate (depending on the degree of the disease) pain in half an hour, an hour after eating. The reason is that for the digestion of food the gallbladder should isolate the bile in the intestine, if there are stones inside it, they make this process painful, causing blistering and infection. Especially painful is this effect after consumption of fatty and spicy food - dishes containing saturated fats, sharp spices signal the need to allocate excessive amounts of bile, respectively, the bubble has to increase even more in size.


With an exacerbation of cholelithiasis, the first few days are fasted, but only under the supervision of the attending physician. On the second-third day, decoctions are prescribed, and several dietary dishes. And on the fifth start a diet with an exacerbation of cholelithiasis, which is called diet number 5. In the same way, the postoperative period also operates. The role of the diet after the operation with cholelithiasis is to give rest to the operated organ, to stimulate the release of bile at minimum, but at the same time, to saturate the body with all the necessary substances. In fact, with the apparent simplicity of the menu, making up a diet for a newly operated person is not an easy task, and can only be done competently by a specialist. In no case can you independently prescribe and cancel various therapeutic diets, this is threatening with aggravation.


Diet in the treatment of cholelithiasis is perhaps even more important in recovery than the removal of stones. After all, if the operation, having taken place, can be forgotten, then the diet should be adhered to for several years.

Our task is to make a menu that will reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol . For this, we delete:

In order to normalize the patient's condition, the diet should contain dissolved cholesterol. It is found in vegetable oils, fish, butter, sour cream. You should also drink alkaline mineral water.

Very important in the diet lipotropic substances - they establish a lipid exchange. These include cod and herring.

In cholelithiasis, a special magnesium diet with a high magnesium content is used, since this element helps to excrete cholesterol. Magnesium is found in apricots, buckwheat, oatmeal.

So, from what will be 5-6 meals a day for the patient:

It is recommended a large amount of drinking water, weak tea or herbal decoctions. And as for mineral waters - the quantity and frequency of admission can be determined only by a doctor, Borjomi, Truskavetska and Essentuki No. 17 are suitable for cholelithiasis patients.